1. How satisfied are you:
Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied
with the quality of the overall event?
that you had sufficient time to network and share ideas with your peers?
with the amount of time dedicated to event planning?
2.  Pre-Event Phase
Agree Somewhat agree Neutral Somewhat disagree Disagree N/A
contacted you at the appropriate time for your event planning.
were flexible enough no matter how often plans changed
please rate your pre-event meeting experience
3. Other comments regarding the Pre-Event Phase?
4.  Event Phase

Health and Fitness associates:
Agree Somewhat agree Neutral Somewhat disagree Disagree
were friendly and efficient
demonstrated a consistently high level of service
were able to quickly answer questions during event
5. Other comments regarding the Event Phase?
6. Please rate:

Excellent Good Average Below average Poor N/A
cleanliness/condition of event
comfortable meeting environment (lighting, temperature, noise, etc.)
overall presentation/quality of food and beverages
taste and appeal of food
please rate overall performance during event
7. Throughout the entire event experience, did you encounter any problems?
8. If yes, please describe the problem.
9. If yes, which of the following statements best describes your feelings about the action taken by the hospital staff to resolve your problem(s):
Somewhat satsified
Somewhat dissatisfied
10. Are there Hospital associates you would like to recognize for outstanding service?
Please contact Shenna_f@hotmail.com if you have any questions regarding this survey.