DPI is committed to providing its staff and managers with training and development opportunities that enable them to perform their current roles effectively, safely and efficiently; to prepare themselves for future roles; and to realise their full potential
Your staff member has recently completed the DPI Frontline Management Program. This program has extended over a 12 month period, during which they have attended a series of sessions/workshops, completed a range of assessments, and undertaken a work-based project.
We acknowledge that it takes time for new skills to be mastered, however we are keen to find out how they have been progressing, particularly in applying their learnings from this program back in the workplace.
The following questionnaire should take approximately 20 minutes to complete.
The information gathered will be used to produce a group analysis. Individual names and details will not be identified.
Please take your time to fill out this form and return it by Friday 23 March 2007.
Your feedback will assist us in identifying what we have been doing well and where we need to improve.
Should you have any questions regarding this please contact Alister Taylor, Organisational Development Advisor on 9658 4945.
Benaifer Sabavala Manager, Organisation Development
Chris Norman Chair, FLM Sub Committe |
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| Supervisor’s Name: | | | | Participant’s Name: | | |
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| What were your expectations of what your staff member would gain by attending the FLM program? | | |
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| What processes have been put in place to reinforce and transfer your staff member’s learnings from the FLM program back into the workplace? | | |
Does your staff member have a goal in their PPMS plan regarding their participation in the FLM program? |
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| If not, please state reasons why: | | |
Do you have a goal in your PPMS plan defining how you will support your staff member during PPMS? |
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| If not, please state reasons why | | |
Please indicate how much time you provided your staff member to complete their FLM course work during business hours:
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| If you answered "other" to the previous question, please elaborate: | | |
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Based on your observation, to what extent has your staff member applied their learnings from the FLM course to the workplace? |
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| In what specific areas have you seen improvement? Please state
(eg. Enhanced communication skills, change in relationship with staff/colleagues etc):
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Based on your observations and discussions with your staff member, the FLM program has…… |
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Do you have any additional suggestions to improve future FLM programs in terms of: |
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| Pre Program Administration | | | | Training Timeframes & Logistics | | | | DPI Support | | | | Other (please state) | | |