Please tell us about your complaint. We will take your complaint seriously and get it resolved for you. We are so committed to getting a result for you that we guarantee you'll be contacted by the deadline you agree to.
It will take you less than 60 seconds
So let's get started...
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Which best describes your level of concern? |
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What has been the impact of this issue. (Select all that apply)? |
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What outcome do you want? (Select at least one outcome)
What outcome do you want? (Select at least one outcome) |
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| Give more details or information about any other outcome(s) you want. (Optional) | | |
Thank you, now we need a few details. |
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* Which of these best describes your issue? (Select all that apply) |
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Please select an option from the drop down menu below. After selecting an option, another drop down list will be displayed below. Select an appropriate option from that list as well.
| Describe the issue in your own words (optional) | | |
Provide the address relating to the issue.
Prior Response Not Loaded - Please Insert a Page-Break Before the Custom Logic Script |
However, if you need a response sooner, please tell the date (optional) |
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And so we know how to contact you, please provide your details |
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I am making contact on behalf of Making contact on behalf of someone else may require signed, written permission. |
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Someone else What is your relationship to this person? |
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Almost done, last few questions are optional but will assist with your complaint. |
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When did the issue FIRST occur? (Optional) (Select one only) |
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How many times have you contacted the organisation directly about the issue (Optional) |
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Why haven’t you approached the organisation directly? (Optional) (Select all that apply) |
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If you have contacted any other organisation with regards to this complaint, please tell us which one(s). |
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Describe your customer service experience with the ombudsman, fair trading or another government agency (Optional) (Select all that apply) |
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