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Friends of Grand Rapids Parks is committed to their belief that vibrant parks and public spaces are essential to support the community’s economic competitiveness, environmental health and cultural well-being. To support their efforts to provide inclusive quality services and to actively engage members of the communities they serve, they have requested that Inclusive Performance Strategies(IPS) facilitate an evaluation to measure their capacity to provide inclusive services.

As part of IPS’s evaluation, we are collecting data through the following survey from volunteers, partners, supporters, and community members to obtain a snapshot of Friends' current state to support quality services to all community members of all culturally diverse backgrounds. 

The survey will take 5 minutes or less to complete. All answers will remain confidential and results of the survey will be reported in aggregate. After Inclusive Performance Strategies completes their evaluation the information will be utilized to develop a strategic blue print for inclusion for Friends of Grand Rapids Parks. Thank you for your participation. 

Please feel free to share the survey link with your networks at

To begin the survey, click the 'continue' button below. 

For more information about Inclusive Performance Strategies, click here.

Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements:
Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree N/A
* I am aware of Friends of Grand Rapids Parks as a community organization
* I understand the purpose of Friends of Grand Rapids Parks
* I know how to contact Friends of Grand Rapids Parks to get more information
* I am interested in learning more about how I can get involved in park improvement in my neighborhood
* I am interested in participating in a community conversation about how to improve my neighborhood park
If you would like to be added to a list to get involved as a Parks Alive Leader or Citizen Forester, please give your contact information below. This information will NOT be presented with the rest of your survey answers. If you do NOT want to be added to this list, simply click 'continue' below.
First Name : 
Last Name : 
Phone : 
Email Address : 
Please indicate which of the following you have participated in with Friends of Grand Rapids Parks:
In the last year Two years ago 3+ years ago Never Participated
* Parks Alive Leader
* Urban Forester
* Movies in the Park
* Winter West
* Green Gala
* Annual Membership Meeting
* Tree Planting
* Park Spruce Up Volunteer
* Parks Report Card Scoring
* Other Workshop
* Other Volunteer Opportunity
* I am aware that Friends of Grand Rapids Parks had an active role in the following park improvement projects (check all that apply):
Pleasant Park
Oakdale Gardens
Joe Taylor Park
Parks Millage
Fund Drive to Open Pools
Yes GR Parks Campaign
Urban Forest Project
Parks Alive
None of the Above

Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements:
Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree I Don't Know Not Applicable
* Friends of Grand Rapids Parks' community engagement strategy is inclusive of all community members
* Friends of Grand Rapids Parks has made an intentional effort to engage people of culturally and racially diverse backgrounds
* The Friends of Grand Rapids Parks events I have attended have felt culturally inclusive
* Friends of Grand Rapids Parks' communication material (brochure, website etc.) is presented in an inclusive and culturally competent manner
Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements:
Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
* I hear people in my community talking about Friends of Grand Rapids Parks
* I believe my neighbors would participate in a park improvement project
* I believe my neighbors would be interested in planting more trees in our neighborhood
* I believe my neighbors would be interested in a youth employment program through our neighborhood park
Please complete the following demographic questions to complete the survey.
* What is your age?
Younger than 18
65 years or older
Prefer not to answer
* What sex do you identify with?
* What race(s) do you identify with? (check all that apply)
African American
Native American
Pacific Islander
Prefer Not to Answer
Other (please specify)

* Which category best describes your annual income?
Under $15,000
$15,000 - $29,999
$30,000 - $44,999
$45,000 - $59,999
$60,000 - $74,999
$75,000 - $89,999
$90,000 - $104,999
$105,000 - $119,999
$120,000 or more
Prefer not to answer
* What is the highest level of education you have achieved?
Less than high school degree
High school degree or equivalent (e.g. GED)
Some college but no degree
Associate degree (e.g. AA, AS)
Bachelor's degree (e.g. BA, AB, BS)
Master's degree (e.g. MA, MS, MBA)
Professional degree (e.g. MD, DDS, JD)
Doctorate degree (e.g. PhD)
What other comments or suggestions can you provide that would support Friends of Grand Rapids Parks' efforts to engage our growing diverse community?