Observations across Europe show that forest disturbance regimes have intensified in the last decades. Policy and science have recognized the need for action towards mainstreaming forest disturbance risks as an integral part of sustainable forest management.
This survey is part of a scoping study for a “European Forest Risk Facility” (FRISK-GO). The project targets to define and elaborate the core work pillars of a potential future ‘European Forest Risk Facility’.
The objective of this survey is to map European experts and expertise on forest disturbances and risk management, and related information needs (and potential gaps thereof).
Thank you for taking part in this survey. We contacted you either because you were referred as an expert by an EFI Associate Member focal point or because you were already invited to one of the FRISK-GO expert workshops.
For more information on the FRISK-GO scoping study, please click here to visit the project website. |
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1. Please complete your professional contact details:
| Link to LinkedIn profile | | | | Link to Research Gate profile | | |
2.What is your area of expertise? Please specify according to the biotic and abiotic forest risks or specific aspects of risks. |
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3. Please drag and drop the following boxes to show the most important geographical expertise on top of the list. |
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| | National Local Regional International Other
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4. In the following, you can distribute a total of ten points over the matrix. You have to assign the highest score to the field(s) that correspond to your personal highest level of expertise. (Any totals higher than 10 will be recalculated to match a score of ten.)
5.To what extent do you work on these topics in your current job in % of your time?
Do you / does your organisation already use a formal or informal expertise network in the context of forest risk management? |
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You indicated that you use formal networks. Could you please indicate the level at which the network operates? In the textbox, please state the name and relevant contact details of the network. |
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| You indicated that you and/or your organisation indeed use expertise networks. Could you please give more details what type of information and support that you get from these networks? What kind of expertise/support is missing from this/these networks? | | |
6.What kind of information tools (e.g. maps, databases, manuals, guidance, or other) and services do you use and/or do you produce in your job? |
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| 6.map. Please provide information on the map-based information that you use. Please include per each map a title and a weblink to more information (e.g. metadata, in the best case INSPIRE compliant) | | |
| 6.portal. Please provide information on the portals that you use. Please include per each portal a title and a weblink to more information (e.g. portal description, metadata) | | |
| 6.dbase. Please provide information on the databases that you use. Please include per each database a title and a weblink to more information (e.g. metadata). | | |
6.social.a. Please indicate which of the following social media you utilise in context of this work.
| 6.social.b. If you use a social media that is not listed, i.e. "other", please specify here which: | | |
6.media. Do you use online media monitoring or analysis services suc as the following? |
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| 6.consult. Please list the type of consulting services that you use and/or provide in context of the collection of data/information: | | |
| 7.manuals. Please list references for key manuals/guidance that you use. You can list these in the textbox here below, or you can include them in your list of references (see next question). | | |
7.publications. Please upload a list with key publications and papers in the framework of your expertise relating to forest disturbances and hazards (Please note! You can only upload one file.): |
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8.In your opinion and according to your expertise in one or more of the forest disturbances, what should be more resources be made available for?
| No change | Increase budget 5-fold |
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9.In your opinion and according to your expertise in one or more of the forest disturbances, what (E.g. in terms of information, tools, equipment, coordination, logistical support etc.) would be needed for better prevention/preparedness/response/recovery: |
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| - Prevention | | | | - Preparedness | | | | - Response | | | | - Recovery | | |
| 10.In the field of your expertise, what are the key related issues that need further scientific study? | | |
| 11. Could you suggest more experts that we could contact with this survey? Please provide title, name, affiliation and email addresses. Thank you! | | |