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FSV Technical Capability Framework

FSV Technical Capability Framework
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Capabilities Questionnaire
Please self assess against all 24 capabilities identified in the FSV Technical Capability Framework.
Use the descriptors provided for each capability to guide your assessment against either Basic, Contribute, Lead, Expert or Do Not Possess.

FSV Technical Capability Framework PDF (link)

Privacy Note

The Department of Primary Industries (DPI), Farm Services Victoria division is committed to protecting personal information provided by you in accordance with the principles of the Information Privacy Act 2000. The information you provide in this survey will be used in three ways;

1) Development of an overall FSV capability profile
2) By relevant Branch management teams to develop a Branch Capability Action Plan to guide capability development, and
3) In the development of staff PMO's where Technical Expertise is desired for position and career development

Information collected will include name, branch, section (program) and assessment response. No other personal data will be collected. Data collected will not be used for any other purpose or disclosed to any other organisation. Data will be maintained by relevant Branches and Divisional Continuous Improvement at the divisional level.

Analysis and Design
Analysis and Design - Rate yourself on the following capabilities:
Basic Contribute Lead Expert Do not possess
* Analysis and Strategy Development
Applies understanding of FSV’s operating environment to support strategic direction
* Market and Social Research
Applies understanding of landholder and organisational behavior to support smart service design
* Service Design
Combines research skills across a range of fields and incorporates into a structured approach to service design
* Business Development
Develops initiatives to deliver on strategic objectives, creating new business opportunities for FSV
* Network & Partnership Management
Facilitates effective networks and partnerships to achieve FSV objectives
* Contract Management
Develops and manages contracts for service delivery in partnership with service providers
* Evaluation
Applies evaluation skills and knowledge to a range of processes and outcomes
* Creating and Applying Knowledge
Identifies, articulates and applies skills and processes appropriate to achieving FSV objectives
* Managing Data and Information
Identifies, uses and creates data and information to service business requirements
* Community Engagement and Education
Applies engagement theory and practices to community and agri -sector development
* Natural Disasters and Emergencies
Ensures that FSV responds appropriately to all phases of relevant emergencies
* Biosecurity Surveillance and Management
Manages biosecurity issues to protect agricultural markets
Delivery - Rate yourself on the following capabilities:
Basic Contribute Lead Expert Do not possess
* Practice Change
Applies theory and practice to facilitate practice change
* Systems Thinking
Applies a holistic understanding of the context of farming and rural livelihoods
* Farm Business Economics
Applies specialist skills in economics to farm performance analysis and business and risk management in agribusiness systems
* Climate & Emissions
Applies specialist expertise in climate risk, adaptation responses, emissions management & on farm mitigation
* Land and Soil Health Stewardship
Applies soil science for sustainable productive use and conservation
* Farm Planning
Enhances the ecological and economic sustainable capacity of the land
* Integrated Pest Management
Applies specialist knowledge of weeds, pests, diseases and disorders to provide sustainable solutions
* Crop Production
Applies knowledge of biological principles and cultural practices to crop growth and production
* Animal Systems
Applies specialist knowledge of animal breeding, marketing, nutrition, husbandry, health and welfare
* Grazing and Feed base Management
Applies specialist expertise of pastures and fodder to agriculture production
* Market Access and Competitiveness
Supports improved outcomes in market access, facilitation, and industry value chain competitiveness
* Irrigation and Water Management
Applies knowledge of irrigation systems and their operation to water use efficiency and productivity
Feedback on Draft FSV Technical Capability Framework 2011/15
Please provide any feedback on this assessment process and the FSV Technical Capability Framework to support ongoing improvement:
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