Hello, my name is Andrew Mount, and I would like to immediately thank you for participating in this survey. Your input in this study provides knowledge that is valuable in measuring important data related to consumer sciences. The purpose of this study is to find the different consuming habits among people belonging to Generation X, or Generation Y. This survey will be used to determine the consuming habits of people in these two demographics, and will ask questions related to age, education level, relationship status among other aspects of life, along with questions related to social media use, shopping habits, and money saving habits. This survey will take no longer than 10 minutes to complete, and all data collected will be completely confidential and anonymous. If you have any questions, contact me at [email protected]. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below. |
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* Ethnicity origin (or Race): Please specify your ethnicity. |
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* Education: What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed? If you are currently enrolled, what is the highest degree achieved? |
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* Marital status: What is your marital status? |
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* Employment status: Which of the following best describes your employment status? |
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* How often do you watch television? |
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* How many times have you purchased something from an ad on television? |
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* How often do you use social media on an average day? |
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* Which of the following social networks do you use the most on an average day? |
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* How many times have you purchased items because of advertisements on a website? |
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* How many times have you purchased items because of a friend or family member owned it? |
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* How often do you shop online? |
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* How would you rate the importance of customer reviews when shopping online? |
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* How often do you make purchases strictly out of impulse? |
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* Would you say you believe that you purchase only what is necessary to your personal/family well being? |
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* Would you say you are loyal to certain brands when purchasing items? |
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* Would you say it is easy for you to avoid spending money, or focus on saving your money? |
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* Would you say you use social media on a computer, or on a mobile (phone, tablet) device more often? |
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* How often do you make purchases from a mobile device when shopping? |
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