Haunted Hustle Participant Survey
Haunted Hustle Participant Survey
Exit Survey
How satisfied were you with the registration process?
Very Unsatisfied- Unsatisfied -Satisfied- Very Satisfied
If you said unsatisfied or very unsatisfied,
how would you improve the registration process?
What activity was your favorite activity? What activity was your least favorite? What activity was the most challenging?
How satisfied were you with the clarity of the race directions?
Very Unsatisfied- Unsatisfied -Satisfied- Very Satisfied.
If you said very unsatisfied or unsatisfied,
how would you improve the directions?
How did you find out about the Haunted Hustle?
Sidewalk Chalk
Main Street booth in the Union
Booth in the Wellness Center
Social Media
Brookings Radio Station
SDSU Radio Station
Exercise Science Club Member
How satisfied were you with the type of prizes?
Very Unsatisfied- Unsatisfied- Satisfied- Very Satisfied
If you said very unsatisfied or unsatisfied,
if you participate again what type of prizes would you like to see?
How satisfied were you with the method of prize distribution?
Very Unsatisfied- Unsatisfied- Satisfied- Very Satisfied
If you said very unsatisfied or unsatisfied,
how would you improve the prize distribution?
Would you participate in this event again? Why or why not?
What would get your friends to participate in the Haunted Hustle?
What was your favorite part of the Haunted Hustle? What was your least favorite part of the Haunted Hustle?
In your opinion, what would make the event more appealing? Any comments or suggestions for next year?