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Where do you shop for home furnishings, decorations and accessories
Pottery Barn
Crate & Barrel
Restoration Hardware
Pier 1 Imports
Cost Plus
Z Gallerie
Bed Bath & Beyond


Who do you consider to be a competitor to Pottery Barn?
Bed Bath & Beyond
Cost Plus
Crate & Barrel
Pier 1
Restoration Hardware
Z Gallerie


Who do you consider to be a competitor to Pier 1?
Bed Bath & Beyond
Cost Plus
Crate & Barrel
Pottery Barn
Restoration Hardware
Z Gallerie


Do you shop at...
Pottery Barn
Pier 1
What do you like about Pottery Barn?
What do you like about Pier 1?
Why would you choose one store over the other?
What would you like to change about Pottery Barn?
What would you like to change about Pier 1?

How long have you shopped at Pottery Barn?
less than 1 year
1-3 years
3-5 years
5+ years

How long have you shopped at Pier 1?
less than 1 year
1-3 years
3-5 years
5+ years

Would you consider yourself a loyal customer to either store?
Yes, Pottery Barn
Yes, Pier 1
No, neither store

Do you specifically go to Pottery Barn or do you happen to go there because you are in the general area?
Specific Trip
Just happen to be in the area/at another store nearby

Do you specifically go to Pier 1 or do you happen to go there because you are in the general area?
Specific Trip
Just happen to be in the area/at another store nearby

What draws you into Pottery Barn?
Merchandise Selection
Store Displays
In-Store Promotions
Store Location


What draws you into Pier 1?
Merchandise Selection
Store Displays
In-Store Promotions
Store Location

Do you like the layout/ambience of either store more, if so why?
What type of products do you purchase from the store?
List a few words that describe the products at Pottery Barn:
List a few words that describe the products at Pier 1:

Pottery Barn Pier 1
Have you noticed any TV Commercials for either store?
Have you noticed a Catalog for either store?
Have you noticed a Newspaper Ad for either store?
Have you noticed a Magazine Ad for either store?
Have you noticed any Radio Commercials for either store?

How likely are you to go to Pottery Barn based on their catalog?
Very Likely Somewhat Likely Neutral Not Very Likely Not at All

How likely are you to go to Pier 1 based on their ad?
Very Likely Somewhat Likely Neutral Not Very Likely Not at All

How much do you usually spend when you go to either store?
Less than $9.99
$10 to $49.99
$50 to $99.99
over $100

How do you feel about the prices at Pottery Barn?
Too low Somewhat low Fine Somewhat high Too high

How do you feel about the prices at Pier 1?
Too low Somewhat low Fine Somewhat high Too high

Are Pottery Barn stores or Pier 1 store more conveniently located?
Pottery Barn more convenient
Pier 1 more convenient
Neither store

Do you usually purchase something while shopping at Pottery Barn or at Pier 1?
Yes, while at Pottery Barn
Yes, while at Pier 1
No, neither store


Comparing Pottery Barn to Pier 1, which do you rate higher?
Pottery Barn
Pier 1
If a Pier 1 shopper, what would make you go to Pottery Barn?
If a Pottery Barn shopper, what would make you go to Pier 1?
If you have stopped shopping at one of these stores, which one and why?

How long had you shopped at this store before you stopped?
Less than 1 year
1-3 years
3-5 years
More than 5 years
If you started back up with that store, what brought you back?

Very Positive Somewhat Positive Neutral Somewhat Negative Negative
Overall, how do you feel about Pottery Barn?
Overall, how do you feel about Pier 1?

What is your age?

What is your gender?

What is your annual household income?
up to $50,000
$50,000 to $75,000
$75,000 to $100,000
$100,000 to $150,000
Over $150,000
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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