Hello Friends, we are a group of students from Singapore Institute of Management (SIM), doing a business degree.You are invited to participate in our Ice cream survey(based in Singapore).In this survey, we need approximately 50 to 100 respondents. It will take approximately 5 to 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire.
Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. It is very important for us to learn your opinions.
Your survey responses and information will be kept stricly confidential.Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by scrolling down.
Hope to hear from you very soon as we need responses latest by 13th March (sat).
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* 1. Do you buy ice-cream? |
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2. Is it for personal consumption? |
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3. What is the brand of the ice-cream that you normally purchase? |
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4. Which type of flavour do you prefer? |
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5. Please rank the following local flavours accordingly to your preference.(1 being least peferred and 5 being most preferred)
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7. How do you prefer to have your ice-cream in? |
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8. What factors do you take into consideration when purchasing ice-cream? Please rank accordingly as 1 being least preferred, 4 being neutral and 7 being most preferred.
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9. How frequently do you purchase ice cream? |
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10. How frequently do you eat ice cream?
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11. What is the estimated average amount of ice-cream purchase you normally made each time for PER SCOOP? |
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12. What is the estimated average amount of ice-cream purchase you normally made each time for PER STICK? |
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13. What is the estimated average amount of ice-cream purchase you normally made? (*the calculations is prorated based on per 100ml) |
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14. Where do you usually buy your ice-cream? |
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* 15. Most of the time you become aware about a new ice-cream brand / flavour is through (you may tick not more than 3) |
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RANKING TO YOUR PREFERENCE Please rank accordingly to the characteristics of the specific ice-cream brands mentioned below:
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2. Do assocate brands with quality ice cream? Please tick. |
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3. Which type of promotions will attract you to buy more ice cream? Please tick. |
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| 4. If No, why? And what's your favourite dessert? (linked from Page 1, Question 1) | | |
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5 Have you heard of the brand "Kuri-Kuri"? |
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6. If Yes, how did you get to know about it? Please tick. |
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7. Have you ever tasted any ice cream from Kuri-Kuri? Please tick.
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| 8. What is the flavour that you have tasted? | | |
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| 9. How do you find the taste of the Kuri-Kuri ice cream as compared to your favout\rite brand?(e.g. The taste is just right or too creamy.) | | |
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10. How much are you willing to pay to try a scoop of ice cream from Kuri-Kuri? Please tick. |
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11. What is your desired new ice cream flavour that you hope to have in the market? Please tick. |
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12. What improvements that you would like to see in the ice cream industry? Please tick. |
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| 5. If you are married, how many children(12 years and below) do you have? | | |
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6 what's is your current occupation? |
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7. Which of the following best describe your personal income? |
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