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Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

The Sales Process
Were you involved in the sales process?
Yes No
Please answer the following questions as they pertain to the overall Sales process:
Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree
IPeople responded promptly to my request for inforamtion regarding their products and services
Proposal and Contract content was thorough and concise
The number of contacts with IPeople in order to receive the product/service was acceptable
The sales process was conducted in a fair and equitable manner
Once the contract was executed, IPeople delivered the product in an acceptable amount of time
Working with my sales representative was a satisfactory experience
Overall, I was satisfied with the way IPeople approached the Sales process
Please answer the following questions as they pertain to the cost of the product/service
Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Not Applicable
The licensing cost for product/service is reasonable
The maintenance cost for product/service is reasonable
The licensing payment schedule for product/service is reasonable
The maintenance payment schedule is reasonable
Overall, I am satisfied with the costs associated product/service
Please provide us with additional comments/suggestions you might have about the Sales Process.
The Implementation Process
Were you involved in the Implementation Process?
Yes No
Please answer the following questions as they pertain to the Implementation Process:
Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Not Applicable
Implementation was seamless and rapid
System requirements did not place a burden on resources or staffing
IPeople's implementation representatives were professional and dependable
The remote implementation process caused little disruption to the IS department
IPeople adequately prepared me for what to expect during the implementation process
Overall, I found the Implementation Process swift and painless
Please provide us with additional comments/suggestions you might have about the Implementation Process.
The Training Process
Were you a participant in the product Training Sessions?
Yes No
Please answer the following questions as they pertain to the materials covered:
Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Not Applicable
Materials covered were in line with my expertise
Content convered was interesting and kept my attention
Procedures were straight forward and easy to understand
Timing of sessions was appropriate
Training manual was helpful
Please answer the following questions as they pertain to the Trainer:
Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Not Applicable
Was adequately prepared and on time
Was knowledgeable about the product
Acted in a professional manner
Remained on task
Listened attentively
Was helpful
Answered my questions sufficiently
Exercised tact and courtesy
Overall, I am satisfied with the Trainer
Please provide us with additional comments/suggestions you might have about the Training experience.
Ongoing Support
Are you a regular user of the product/service?
Yes No
How do you contact support?
Web chat
In Person

If you contacted support by fax or email, how long did it take to get a response?
Under 2 hours
2-6 hours
6-12 hours
1 business day
More than 1 business day
They didn't get back to me
Please answer the following questions as they pertain to the Support Team:
Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Disagree Somewhat Disagree Not Applicable
IPeople's Support team responds to my support requests in a timely manner
Support team is courteous
Support team is dependable
Information is consistent
Listen attentively
Is open to my recommendations and comments
Overall, I am satisfied with the ongoing support I am receiving
Please provide us with additional comments/suggestions you might have about your Support experience
The Billing and Invoice Process
Are you the person involved with Billing and Invoicing?
Yes No
The Billing and Invoice process is:
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
Please provide us with additional comments/suggestions you might have about the Billing and Invoicing Process
How did you first hear about IPeople?
Search engine
Another web site
Newspaper/magazine article
Friend of business associate
Don't know/don't remember
What originally caught your attention about IPeople or our product/ service and caused you to inquire about us?

How often do you visit our website?
Every day
Several times a week
About once a week
Several times a month
About once a month
Less than once a month
I have not visited your site

Very Likely Somewhat Likely Neutral Somewhat Unlikely Very Unlikely
How likely are you to recommend IPeople's Products to colleagues or other MEDITECH users?
How likely are you to recommend IPeople's Services to colleagues or other MEDITECH users?
Please check all that apply
What other IPeople products would you like to receive information on?
I People Script
I People Assist
I People Direct
I People Echo
I People Quest
I People Utilities

Please check all that apply
What other IPeople services would you like to receive information on?
NPR Report Writing
Point-To-Point Interfaces

Please provide us with additional comments/suggestions you might have about the Marketing process
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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