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Kenan Cloud Quality Attribute Workshop
Kenan Cloud Quality Attribute Workshop
Exit Survey
Thank you for participating in the Kenan in the Cloud Quality Attribute Workshop, which we have just concluded.
We believe the QAW, and the overall SEI methodology of quality attribute-centric architecture, are important elements of our architectural strategy going forward. As such, there will be opportunities in the future to run other QAWs, and we'd like to get your feedback while the experience is fresh so that we can make future QAWs even better.
Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the
button below.
How would you rate the scope of the workshop?
Way too broad
A bit too broad
About right
A bit too narrow
Way too narrow
How was the workshop sized, in terms of number of participants?
Way Too Many
A Bit Too Many
About Right
A Bit Too Few
Way Too Few
Number of Presenters
Number of Participants
Evaluate the following statements:
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Strongly Disagree
The participants represented the right cross-section of stakeholder viewpoints
All participants had the opportunity to provide feedback
I felt prepared to present/participate entering the workshop
How valuable were the following elements of the QAW:
Very Valuable
Somewhat Valuable
Slightly Valuable
Waste of Time
Business Driver Presentations
Architectural Driver Presentations
Quality Attribute Readout (Indellient presentation)
Please rate the duration of the various elements of the QAW
Too Short
A Bit Short
About Right
A Bit Long
Too Long
Enough Already
Overall Duration of Workshop
Duration of Business Driver Presentations
Duration of Architecture Driver Presentations
Duration of Quality Attribute Readout
Duration of Brainstorming Exercises
How interested would you be in attending a future QAW
Can we have one next week?
I'd attend if requested
Let me check my calendar
Not that interested
Forget it
Please share any additional feedback or suggestions for improving future QAWs: