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Step 1 of 6

Below you will find two sets of descriptions - one on your left and one on your right. If you prefer the description on your left (right), please select one of the radio buttons found in the bottom left (right) that is representative of your preference.

Please refer to the following when answering the questions.


   * An index card is 3.5" X 2"

Dessert Quality

   * Premium- the quality of desserts you'd find in your local,
     independent bakery or in an moderately-expensive restaurant

   * Average- the quality of desserts you'd find at a national chain
    restaurant such as Bakers' Square, Bennigan's, TGI Fridays, etc.

   * Value- the quality that you would find in a local diner or "greasy


   * Upscale- The type of atmosphere and decor you'd find at a
     comfortably chic and hip local cafe

   * Average - The type of atmosphere and decor you'd find at an
     average-priced, table-service restaurant (eg. "themed" decor,
     somewhat kitsch, corinthian leather booths bar stool seating

   * Utilitarian- plastic décor, bright colors, cafeteria seating, like

     Dunkin Donuts

Price $3.00 - $3.99 $4.00 - $5.99
Portion Size4" X 2" X 2"4" X 2" X 2"
Dessert QualityAverageValue
Strongly Prefer LeftSomewhat PreferIndifferentSomewhat PreferStrongly Prefer Right
Please rank the following dessert outlets based on your spending. (1- Most, 9- Least)

Note: You cannot use a rank or number twice (e.g., Ice Creams Stores and Starbucks CANNOT have the same rank of 5)
High end specialty bakery
Ice cream stores
Retail outlets (off the shelf, pre-packaged desserts)
Super-market bakery
High end specialty chocolate stores (Godiva, Ghiradelli, See's, Teuschers, etc.)
Panera Bread/Cosi's/Corner Bakery
Krispy Kreme/Dunkin Donuts
Rate Dunkin Donuts on a scale of 1 to 5 based on your perception (Skip if you have never been to a Dunkin Donuts).
1 (Low) 2 3 (Neutral) 4 5 (High)
Portion Size
Rate Panera Bread/Cosi's/Corner Bakery on a scale of 1 to 5 based on your perception (Skip if you have never been to these stores).
1 (Low) 2 3 (Neutral) 4 5 (High)
Portion Size
Rate your Specialty Bakery / Chocolate Shop on a scale of 1 to 5 based on your perception.
1 (Low) 2 3 (Neutral) 4 5 (High)
Portion Size
Rate Starbucks on a scale of 1 to 5 based on your perception (Skip if you have never been to a Starbucks).
1 (Low) 2 3 (Neutral) 4 5 (High)
Portion Size

What would your ideal dessert shop look like?
Panera Bread/Cosi's/Corner Bakery
Krispy Kreme/Dunkin Donuts
Specialty Bakery
Ice cream stores
High end specialty chocolate stores (Godiva)
Comments / Suggestions for our dessert shop?
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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