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Dia duit,
An cuspóir atá ag Raidió Fáilte ná cláir raidió Ghaeilge thaitneamhacha a chur ar fáil dár lucht éisteachta. Le bheith in ann seo a dhéanamh go héifeachtach, tá do chuidiú de dhíth orainn le suirbhé gairid a líonadh. Is faoi rún a bheas na freagraí a thugann tú agus beidh na torthaí ón suirbhé á dtuairisciú mar chomhiomlán amháin. Ma tá aon cheist agat faoin suirbhé, déan teagmháil le
Go raibh míle maith agat as do chuid ama agus do chuid tacaíochta.
Le tús a chur leis an suirbhé a líonadh, brúigh ar an cnaipe thíos...

At Raidió Fáilte, we strive to bring you entertaining and enjoyable programmes.
In order for us to be able to do this effectively, we need your help. We need just 90 seconds of your time to fill in a very short survey.
Your survey responses will be treated strictly confidentially and data from this research will be reported in the aggregate only. If you have any questions about the survey, feel free to contact
Thank-you very much for your time and support. To begin the survey, please click below…

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Inscne Gender
Fireann Male
Baineann Female
Roghnaigh an t-aoisghrúpa ina bhfuil tú, le do thoil
Please select your age group
Faoi/Under 18
Thar/Over 70
Cén ceantar ina bhfuil cónaí ort? Please enter your country of residence and your county/state
Cá háit ar chéad chuala tú faoi Raidió Fáilte? Where did you first hear about Raidió Fáilte?
Cad é mar a chuirfeá síos ar do chumas sa Ghaeilge labhartha? How would you describe your knowledge of spoken Irish?
Líofa Fluent
Is féidir liom bunchomhrá a dhéanamh Can hold a basic conversation
Ag foghlaim nó ba mhaith liom an Ghaeilge a fhoghlaim Learning or would like to learn Irish
Níl aon eolas agam No knowledge
Ar an mheán, cé chomh minic is a bhíonn tú ag éisteacht le Raidió Fáilte? How often do you listen to Raidió Fáilte online?
Gach lá Everyday
Cúpla uair sa tseachtain Several times per week
Uair amháin sa tseachtain Once a week
Roinnt uaireanta sa mhí Several times per month
Anois is arís Occasionally
Cén sort clár a bhfuil nós agat éisteacht leo ar Raidió Fáilte? Roghnaigh gach rannóg chuí Which type of programmes do you listen to on Raidió Fáilte? Select all that apply
Nuacht/cúrsaí reatha News/current affairs
Caint ghinearálta/agallaimh General talk/interviews
Ealaíona/litríocht Arts/literature
Spórt Sport
Ranganna Gaeilge Irish language lessons
Ceol traidisiúnta na hÉireann Irish/traditional music
Sean nós
Ceol na hAlban Scottish music
Ceol tíre domhanda World folk music
Ceol pop/ceol na gcairteacha Pop/chart music
Rac-ceol/Indie Rock/Indie music
Ceol damsha leictreonach Electronic dance music
Ceol clasaiceach/ceoldráma Classical/operatic music
Na gormacha/snagcheol Blues/Jazz
Eile Other

Cad é do bharúil ar chaighdeán ginearálta na gclár a chuala tú ar Raidió Fáilte? What is your opinion of the overall standard of Raidió Fáilte programmes?
An-mhaith Very good
Maith Good
Measartha Average
Lag Poor
Ma tá moltaí ar bith agat faoi bhealaí leis an eispéireas éisteachta a fheabhsú ar Raidió Fáilte, déan nóta de na moltaí anseo, le do thoil. If you have any suggestions which would enhance your listening experience on Raidió Fáilte, please feel free to leave your ideas here:
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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