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Locus: HR Company and Supervisor Evaluation
Locus: HR Company and Supervisor Evaluation
Exit Survey
Tell us how well the following statements apply to your immediate boss/superior.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree or Disagree
Strongly Agree
My supervisor is knowledgeable about my work
My supervisor takes time to listen to me
My supervisor gives me fair reviews
My supervisor has reasonable expectations of my work
My supervisor is willing to promote me
My supervisor trains me in whenever necessary
My supervisor makes sure I have sufficient training
Overall, how satisfied are you with the company you work for?
Extremely Dissatisfied
Very Dissatisfied
Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied
Very Satisfied
Extremely Satisfied
Please rate your satisfaction with employee benefits and policies of your organization.
Not At All Satisfied
Somewhat Dissatisfied
Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Accuracy of job description
Salary reviews
Adequate information on promotion is provided
Leaves of absence
Health care benefits
Retirement benefits
Listening to the employee in employer/employee disputes
How well do you believe your manager lives by your company's ethics?
Extremely well
Very well
Sometimes does, sometimes doesn't
Not very well
Doesn't abide by own philosophy at all
What does your boss/supervisor do to keep your morale high?
What suggestions do you have for your boss/supervisor that would help him/her be a more effective manager?
If you have ever offered suggestions to management, how satisfied were you with the response?
Never offered a suggestion
Not at all satisfied
Not very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied
What suggestions would you make to improve company/employee relations?
How long have you been working for the company?
Less than a year
1-2 years
3-5 years
6-10 years
More than 10 years
What is your job function?
Non-supervisory Staff
Functional Manager
Department Manager
Senior Management/Director/Vice President
Senior Executive/Chief Officer/Executive Vice President
Thank you for your opinions. We really want to make [company name] a great place to work! If you would like to add your name and contact data below for us to follow-up with you on your answers, please do so. This is entirely optional.