Hello,I am Ramyashree doing a Post Graduate Program in Business Administration at MCIM. This questionnaire is part of my project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of a two year Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration.
This research study is being carried out in order to capture the best market research techniques practiced by individuals and propose a standard set of market research techniques that can be used by the marketing team of any company. Your inputs are valuable to carry on my study.
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1. According to you, does Marketing Intelligence report on competition serve as an effective tool in strategic decision making process in your organization
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2. Do you feel the need to know how your company uses your market research
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3. According to you which research type are effective in developing the Market Intelligence report, that is most relevant from your company’s point of view with respect to kind of information, resource and budget |
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5. Do you think a well documented method to conduct a research would help to improvising the quality of Market Intelligence report? |
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6. Do you see the relevance of having a standardized template across the industry in conducting survey on competition information |
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7. Kindly rate the questions on a scale of 1-5,1 being least effective and 5 being the most effective.
which of the following market research techniques are most effective? |
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Telemarketing techniques |
| | E-mail market research techniques |
| | Direct marketing |
| | Internet based market research |
| | If others please specify |
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Kindly rate the question on a scale of 1-4, where 1being the least effective and 4 the most effective
8. Rate the effectiveness of following resources of secondary data used in market research |
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Press release |
| | Company websites |
| | Business journals |
| | Networking |
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9. Do you use following website to collect information on companies in general and Competitor Companies in specific. |
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10. What types of information technology services do you offer to your target customers |
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11. Do you have any product/services catering to healthcare Information technology segment? If NO please go to question 19. If Yes kindly answer the next question.
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12.Please indicate the healthcare segment you serve. (If Life sciences answer the next question.) (If Health plan answer answer Q# 15) (If Health delivery answer Q# 17)
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13. Do you have Information Technology products catering to Life Sciences industry |
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14. If yes, do you have products catered in following life science domains? |
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15. Do you have Information Technology products catering to Health Plan Industry
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16. If YES, do you have products catering to the following Health Plan industry? |
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17. Do you have Information Technology products catering to Health Delivery industry? |
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18. If YES, do you have products catering to the following health delivery industry? |
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19. According to you, is it important to share the Market Intelligence report across the organization? |
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Do you have a separate division in your company to prepare a Market Intelligence report? |
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| If YES, please mention the division | | |
If NO, the division is a part of |
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Kindly rate the question on a scale of 1-4, where 1 being least effective and 4 being the most effective.
Rate the effectiveness of following methods to gather information while conducting market research survey. |
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Questionnaires |
| | Interviews |
| | Internet |
| | Focus group meetings |
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kindly rate the question on a scale of 1-9, where 1 being the weak competitor and 9 being a strong competitor
rate the companies whom you consider as strong competitors from point of view of your organization |
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Accenture |
| | Capgemni |
| | IBM |
| | Wipro |
| | Infosys |
| | Seimens |
| | Satyam |
| | GE |
| | Others please specify |
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