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Do you use the media monitoring website
Can you explain why you don't use the media monitoring website?
No time
Information is provided in another way/format
Not interested
I don’t know how to use it but would like to find out more
How often do you use the media monitoring website?
2-3 times a week
Once a quarter or less
Are you satisfied with the media monitoring website?
Yes but there is room for improvement
If you are dissatisfied with the media monitoring website, what are the reasons? (tick as many as required)
Difficult to navigate the site
My area or interest is not represented
Coverage of area/interest is not extensive enough
Media items are not on the website in a timely manner (ie takes too long to get items)

Do you know about or use any of the following features on the media monitoring website? (tick as many as required)
Manage own folders
Manage email alerts
Create PDF reports
Create Excel reports
Did not know about any of these functions

Do you have any suggestions to improve either the media monitoring website or the media monitoring service? For instance, what other areas of interest do you want to see covered?
How often do you read the twice weekly emails “DPI media monitoring website -today's news”?
Every Monday and Wednesday
Once a month
Once a quarter or less
Not at all
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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