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Medical Terminology
Medical Terminology
Exit Survey
Please rate your overall satisfaction with the instructor/presenter.
1 Very Dis-satisfied
2 Dis-satisfied
3 Neutral
4 Satisfied
5 Very Satisfied
Course pace and difficulty was appropriate
1 Very Dis-satisfied
2 Dis-satisfied
3 Neutral
4 Satisfied
5 Very Satisfied
Technical knowledge of the presenter and Ability of presenter to communicate key concepts
1 Very Dis-satisfied
2 Dis-satisfied
3 Neutral
4 Satisfied
5 Very Satisfied
Presenter Was current with developments in field and Presenter Communicated clearly
1 Yes
2 No
Presentation covered the topic and its clinical application in data management appropriately
1 Yes
2 No
This training would improve performance on daily tasks.
1 Yes
2 No
Refresher session of this training would make my work easier and more efficient.
1 Yes
2 No
Refresher session of the same training would be able to clarify my doubts
1 Yes
2 No
Presenter Used helpful examples and references and Presenter Encouraged MDR interaction
1 Very Dis-satisfied
2 Dis-satisfied
3 Neutral
4 Satisfied
5 Very Satisfied
Please describe any positive and/or negative aspects of the course. Do you have any suggestions for improving the course?