Dear Educator:
Thank you for taking a few minutes of your valuable time to complete this survey for my research project. This survey is designed to gather information on medication administration practices and experiences at local schools and child care settings. My goal for this project is to find opportunities to improve education in those responsible for administering medications to children in schools and child care settings.
Your responses to the survey will be used to determine if opportunities exist for improving education and practices for those who administer medications to children at school or daycare. Any discomfort or inconvenience to you comes only from the amount of time taken to complete the survey.
This survey is anonymous. Any information that is obtained in connection with this survey that can identify you or your school/childcare facility will remain confidential and will not be disclosed.
If you agree to participate, please complete the following survey. Your completion of this survey constitutes implied consent. It should take no more than 5 minutes to complete this survey. You must answer each question in order to move on to the next question in the survey. If you do not want to answer a question in the survey or you decide to not participate after you have started the survey, you can discontinue the survey at any time and your responses will not be recorded.
If you have questions at any time, please do not hesitate to contact either Tara Hanson or Heather Girand at the email addresses or phone numbers below. If you have questions about your rights or complaints about this research project, contact the Ferris State University Institutional Review Board (IRB) by phone at 231-591-2553 or by email at [email protected].
Thank you for your time.
Student Investigator: Tara Hanson; [email protected]; 269- 339-8716
Principal Investigator: Dr. Heather Girand; [email protected]; 269-341-7805