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Minnesota Compliance Pro
Minnesota Compliance Pro
Minnesota Athletics Compliance Pro
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Thank you for using the
Compliance Pro
application for logging your phone calls. This technology is constantly evolving and we are committed to providing the very best experience for our clients. We value your opinion and your input will play a valuable role as we continue to improve the application.
You are invited to participate in a ten question survey regarding your use of the Compliance Pro system on your iPhone. This survey should take less than five minutes to complete.
Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start the survey now by clicking on the
button below.
Which file are you using to access the Compliance Pro system?
Only (100%) the Server file
Mostly (75%) the Server file, but Occasionally (25%) the Mobile file
Equally (50%) the Server file, and (50%) the Mobile file
Mostly (75%) the Mobile file, but Occasionally (25%) the Server file
Only (100%) the Mobile file
I don't know?
I would rate the speed of the
performing the following:
Fast (< 10 sec.)
Average (15 to 45 sec.)
Slow (> 60 sec.)
Logging in
Searching for recruits
Placing a call
I would rate the speed of the
performing the following:
Fast (<10 sec.)
Average (15 to 45 sec.)
Slow (> 60 sec.)
Logging in
Searching for recruits
Placing a call
I need to enter my Username and Password:
Every time I login to the system
Every time I return from placing a phone call
Only when I close the FileMaker Go application
Only when I re-start my phone
I have used Compliance Pro to place approximately:
More than 10 calls
From 1 to 9 calls
0 calls
We cannot currently call recruits
I am able to locate specific recruits in the system:
Easy to search
Difficult to search
I haven't tried to search
I have successfully done the Sync operation while in my ComPro_Mobile file:
Yes, it was successful
No, it was not successful
I have not tried to sync
I don't know?
Is your iPhone configured to connect to Wi-Fi in the following locations?
I don't know?
The Office
Your Home
Other Locations
Please indicate your estimate (100 % total) of the networks used to connect to Compliance Pro:
Wi-Fi (%)
3G (%)
Edge (%)
Unknown (%)
We have uploaded new data from our recruiting system to the Compliance Pro system:
Yes, it was successful
No, it was not successful
We have not tried to upload new recruiting data
I don't know?
Are there any comments or suggestions you wish to make?