هو مدعوم من هذا المسح المجاني من قبل
الخروج من الاستبيان  
1) Which division are you working in?
Technical division
Operational division
Maintenance division
President office
2) How often do you use SSRS, PESR, DMS or Meridium?
At least once a week
At least once a month
I do not use them
3) Overall, how satisfied were you with using these IS?
Not satisfied at all
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied
4) Overall, how important are Information technology systems and services to your job?
Not important at all
Not important
Very important
5) How efficient do you think PESR is?
Very efficient
Not efficient
Not related to my job
6) Do you prefer to use PESR to request PED service or you prefer to communicate the issue by email?
I prefer PESR
I prefer email
It depends on the situation
Not related to my job
7) Do you believe that PED is taking PESR seriously and dealing with requests in good timely manner?
Yes, defiantly
Yes, sometimes
No at all
Not related to my job
8) As a PE, do you use PESR to provide service only or you use it for service and as a record for your tasks?
I use it for service only
I use it for service and as record for major tasks only
I use it for service and as record for all tasks
Not related to my job
9) Do you have any suggestion to improve PESR system?
10) How efficient do you think DMS is?
Very efficient
Not efficient
Not related to my job