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* Do you, or does any member of your household, work for any of the following?
An advertising agency or PR firm
A company in the TV, radio, or movie industry
A marketing firm or department
A market research firm
A newspaper
A company that manufactures, distributes, or sells cars
A restaurant
None of the above
* Are you…?
* How old are you?
* Are you the parent of any children who currently live in your household?
* How many children ages 0-18 live in your household?
And of these how many are ages 2-12?
* How old is/are the child/children who live in your household?
2 years old
3 years old
4 years old
5 years old
6 years old
7 years old
8 years old
9 years old
10 years old
11 years old
12 years old

* Are you a licensed driver?
* Do you own a vehicle?
* Are you planning to buy a vehicle in the future?
* How soon do you think you will make that purchase?
Within the next month or two
In the next six months
In the next year
1+ years from now
2+ years from now
3+ years from now
4 years or more from now
* Do you think you will purchase your vehicle new or used?
I’m not sure
* Please indicate the types of vehicles that are currently owned by you or other members of your household.
Coupe (2-door)
Sedan (4-door)
Sports car
Station wagon
None of the Above

* Are any of these hybrid or electric vehicles?
* And which type of vehicle in your household do you primarily drive?
* Is your hybrid or electric?
* What year is your ?
* What type of vehicle did you drive before you started driving your ?
Coupe (2-door)
Sedan (4-door)
Sports car
Station wagon
* What make and model is your minivan?
Chrysler Town and Country
Dodge Caravan
Honda Odyssey
Toyota Sienna
And about how long ago did you acquire your ?
What color is your vehicle?
* Thinking back to when you purchased your minivan, what were the main reasons that you decided to get it?
* And why did you decide to get that particular make/model of minivan?
* Again, thinking about your , please select the top four reasons that you chose that minivan?
Innovative tech features
Reputation for safety
Cool to drive
Sets the standard
Good value for the money
Attractive design
Good gas mileage
Environmentally friendly
Seating capacity/space for kids
Brand I trust
Comfortable interior
Good handling
Popular with my friends
Fits my lifestyle
Shows the world who I am
Reputation for reliability

* Did you miss anything about your old car/vehicle when you started driving your minivan? Please explain.
* Where did you buy your minivan?
Online Car Buying Service
Craig's List
From friend/acquaintance/family member
* Thinking back to when you purchased your ${custom 1}, what were the main reasons that you selected that brand of vehicle?
* Again, thinking about your , please select the top four reasons that you chose this vehicle.
Brand I trust
Popular with my friends
Cool to drive
Environmentally friendly
Innovative tech features
Shows the world who I am
Reputation for safety
Reputation for reliability
Sets the standard
Good gas mileage
Good handling
Good value for the money
Attractive design
Fits my lifestyle
Seating capacity/space for the kids
Comfortable interior

Again, thinking back to when you purchased your , how much did each of the following influence your decision?
A lot A little Not at all
* Salesperson
* Siblings/cousins
* Television advertising
* My child/children
* Friends/co-workers
* My parents
* My spouse/partner
* Mechanic
* Online reviews
* Brand's social media
* Online/mobile advertising
Please indicate whether you have heard of the following vehicles.
Yes -- have heard of It No -- have not heard of it
* Dodge Caravan
* Toyota Sienna
* Honda Odyssey
* Chrysler Town and Country
Now please think about the Chrysler Town and Country.  We would like you to rate the Chrysler Town and Country on the following attributes.  Please note that you can agree completely, disagree completely, or use any of the scale points in the middle to indicate how you feel.
Disagree completely (1) (2) (3) (4) Agree completely (5)
* Fits my lifestyle
* Reliable
* Appealing design
* Cool to drive
* A brand I trust
* Gets good gas mileage
* Safe
* Is popular with your friends
* High quality vehicle
* Good value for the money
Disagree completely (1) (2) (3) (4) Agree completely (5)
* Good handling
* Affordable
* Unique design
* Offers innovative tech features for me (navigation system, texting, wifi, etc.)
* Environmentally friendly
* Fun to drive
* Sets the standard
* Offers excellent in-car entertainment for kids (DVD players, videogame adapters, etc.)
* Would you say that the Chrysler Town and Country is...
...for people younger than you
...for people about your age
...for people older than you
* Would you say that the Chrysler Town and Country is mostly...
...for men
...for women
Now please think about the Dodge Caravan.  We would like you to rate the Dodge Caravan on the following attributes.  Please note that you can agree completely, disagree completely, or use any of the scale points in the middle to indicate how you feel.
Disagree completely (1) (2) (3) (4) Agree completely (5)
* Affordable
* A brand I trust
* Gets good gas mileage
* Appealing design
* Environmentally friendly
* Is popular with your friends
* Fits my lifestyle
* Offers excellent in-car entertainment for kids (DVD players, videogame adapters, etc.)
* Good handling
* Fun to drive
Disagree completely (1) (2) (3) (4) Agree completely (5)
* Sets the standard
* Reliable
* Cool to drive
* Good value for the money
* High quality vehicle
* Safe
* Unique design
* Offers innovative tech features for me (navigation system, texting, wifi, etc.)
* Would you say that the Dodge Caravan is...
...for people younger than you
...for people about your age
...for people older than you
* Would you say that the Dodge Caravan is mostly...
...for men
...for women
Now please think about the Honda Odyssey.  We would like you to rate the Honda Odyssey on the following attributes.  Please note that you can agree completely, disagree completely, or use any of the scale points in the middle to indicate how you feel.
Disagree completely (1) (2) (3) (4) Agree completely (5)
* Cool to drive
* A brand I trust
* Appealing design
* Affordable
* Good value for the money
* Environmentally friendly
* Gets good gas mileage
* Offers excellent in-car entertainment for kids (DVD players, videogame adapters, etc.)
* Reliable
* High quality vehicle
Disagree completely (1) (2) (3) (4) Agree completely (5)
* Good handling
* Offers innovative tech features for me (navigation system, texting, wifi, etc.)
* Is popular with your friends
* Fits my lifestyle
* Unique design
* Fun to drive
* Sets the standard
* Safe
* Would you say that the Honda Odyssey is...
...for people younger than you
...for people about your age
...for people older than you
* Would you say that the Honda Odyssey is mostly...
...for men
...for women
Now please think about the Toyota Sienna.  We would like you to rate the Toyota Sienna on the following attributes.  Please note that you can agree completely, disagree completely, or use any of the scale points in the middle to indicate how you feel.
Disagree completely (1) (2) (3) (4) Agree completely (5)
* Unique design
* Offers excellent in-car entertainment for kids (DVD players, videogame adapters, etc.)
* Fits my lifestyle
* Environmentally friendly
* High quality vehicle
* Safe
* Sets the standard
* Cool to drive
* Fun to drive
* Reliable
Disagree completely (1) (2) (3) (4) Agree completely (5)
* A brand I trust
* Offers innovative tech features for me (navigation system, texting, wifi, etc.)
* Appealing design
* Affordable
* Gets good gas mileage
* Good handling
* Is popular with your friends
* Good value for the money
* Would you say that the Toyota Sienna is...
...for people younger than you
...for people about your age
...for people older than you
* Would you say that the Toyota Sienna is mostly...
...for men
...for women
For quality control purposes please select four below.
* How do you feel when you drive your minivan?
* Is there anything that you particularly like about your minivan? Please explain.
* Is there anything that you particularly dislike or would change about your minivan?
* What kind of people drive minivans?
* What kind of people drive minivans?
* Can you ever see yourself driving a minivan? Why or why not?
* Is there anything that you particularly like about minivans? Please explain.
* Is there anything that you particularly dislike or would change about minivans? Please explain.
Now thinking about driving in general, please rate how much you agree with each of the following statements and note that you can agree completely, disagree completely, or use any of the scale points in between to show how you feel. 
Disagree completely (1) (2) (3) (4) Agree completely (5)
* I would like to live in a world without cars
* It's most important to drive something that I like
* I wish that I could borrow a car/vehicle when I need one and not have to buy one
* It's important to me to drive a vehicle that is environmentally friendly
* It's important to me to drive a car/vehicle made by a brand I trust
* My car/vehicle gives me freedom
* My car/vehicle says something important about me
* It's important to me that I drive a cool car/vehicle
* My car/vehicle helps me to create memories
* My car/vehicle is an extension of myself
Disagree completely (1) (2) (3) (4) Agree completely (5)
* I would be happy with a car that drives itself
* It's important to me that my car/vehicle has an excellent reputation for safety
* I love what I drive
* It's more important to me to have a car/vehicle that's good for kids than one that I love
* It's important to me that my car/vehicle has unique styling/design
* It's most important to drive something that's easy and convenient to transport kids
* I think driving is fun
We would like to know a little bit more about your car experience.

Please note that you can agree completely, disagree completely, or use any of the scale points in the middle to indicate how you feel.
Disagree completely (1) (2) (3) (4) Agree completely (5)
* I wish I could interact more with kids in the car
* I spend a lot of time in my vehicle listening to music, reading, eating and waiting for my kids at school, sports practices and other activities
* I am embarrassed to drive adults in my car/vehicle be it's usually a mess
* I have a nickname for my car
How often do you use your vehicle for the following kinds of trips?
Never (1) (2) (3) (4) All the time (5)
* Shuttling kids to activities and sports
* Escaping from the daily routine
* School drop offs/pick ups
* Road trips
* Shopping and errands
* Commuting to work
* Now please think about your dream vehicle, the one you could drive if you could drive anything. What make and model would it be?
* Please describe what your dream vehicle would look like. What features would it have? Please give as much detail as possible.
How important are the following features to you in a vehicle?
Not important at all (1) (2) (3) (4) Must have (5)
* Power operated tailgate
* Attractive styling
* Built in vacuum
* Reading lights
* Power sliding doors
* Removable or fold-down seats
* Texting, Bluetooth and other innovative tech features
* Innovative storage (for groceries, backpacks, etc.)
* Back up camera
* Leather seats
* Tray tables
* Two or more rows of seating in back
* Good handling
* On-board entertainment (DVD's/video and gaming, etc.) for kids
* Thinking about the future, say ten years from now, do you think that “getting around” will be the same or almost the same?
* Again, thinking about ten years from now, do you think that MPG will be a relevant metric?
* What do you think the average MPG will be ten years from now?
* Which car or other type of company do you think will offer the most interesting and relevant advancements in transportation over the next ten years?
A tech company that does not exist yet
* Thinking about the next vehicle that you plan to purchase as your primary vehicle, what kind of vehicle do you think it will be?
Coupe (2-door)
Sedan (4-door)
Sports car
Station wagon
* And do you think it will be an electric or hybrid vehicle?
Not sure
* How soon do you think you will purchase a new primary vehicle?
Within the next month or two
In the next six months
In the next year
1+ years from now
2+ years from now
3+ years from now
4 years or more from now
* Do you think you will purchase your next primary vehicle new or used?
I’m not sure
How likely will you be to consider vehicles from the following countries when you make your purchase?
Definitely would not consider (1) (2) (3) (4) Definitely would consider
* Japan
* Korea
* Germany
Now we have just a few questions about car companies in general.  Please indicate whether you have ever heard of the following car companies.
Yes -- have heard of it No -- have not heard of it
* Audi
* Cadillac
* Chevrolet
* Chrysler
* Dodge
* Ford
* Honda
* Hyundai
* Tesla
* Toyota
* Volkswagen
Now please think about Audi.  We would like you to rate Audi on the following attributes.  Please note that you can agree completely, disagree completely, or use any of the scale points in the middle to indicate how you feel.
Disagree completely (1) (2) (3) (4) Agree completely (5)
* Cool to drive
* Offers innovative tech features for me (navigation system, texting, wifi, etc.)
* High quality vehicle
* Is popular with your friends
* Offers excellent in-car entertainment for kids (DVD players, videogame adapters, etc.)
* Appealing design
* Sets the standard
* Reliable
* A brand I trust
* Gets good gas mileage
Disagree completely (1) (2) (3) (4) Agree completely (5)
* Good value for the money
* Good handling
* Fits my lifestyle
* Affordable
* Unique design
* Fun to drive
* Safe
* Environmentally friendly
Now please think about BMW.  We would like you to rate BMW on the following attributes.  Please note that you can agree completely, disagree completely, or use any of the scale points in the middle to indicate how you feel.
Disagree completely (1) (2) (3) (4) Agree completely (5)
* Offers excellent in-car entertainment for kids (DVD players, videogame adapters, etc.)
* Gets good gas mileage
* Safe
* Unique design
* Good handling
* Sets the standard
* Affordable
* High quality vehicle
* Fits my lifestyle
* Reliable
Disagree completely (1) (2) (3) (4) Agree completely (5)
* Fun to drive
* Offers innovative tech features for me (navigation system, texting, wifi, etc.)
* A brand I trust
* Appealing design
* Cool to drive
* Good value for the money
* Environmentally friendly
* Is popular with your friends
Now please think about Cadillac.  We would like you to rate Cadillac on the following attributes.  Please note that you can agree completely, disagree completely, or use any of the scale points in the middle to indicate how you feel.
Disagree completely (1) (2) (3) (4) Agree completely (5)
* Appealing design
* Sets the standard
* Is popular with your friends
* Reliable
* Good handling
* Offers innovative tech features for me (navigation system, texting, wifi, etc.)
* Offers excellent in-car entertainment for kids (DVD players, videogame adapters, etc.)
* Cool to drive
* Good value for the money
* Environmentally friendly
Disagree completely (1) (2) (3) (4) Agree completely (5)
* Gets good gas mileage
* High quality vehicle
* Fun to drive
* A brand I trust
* Unique design
* Affordable
* Safe
* Fits my lifestyle
Now please think about Chevrolet.  We would like you to rate Chevrolet on the following attributes.  Please note that you can agree completely, disagree completely, or use any of the scale points in the middle to indicate how you feel.
Disagree completely (1) (2) (3) (4) Agree completely (5)
* Safe
* Sets the standard
* Unique design
* Affordable
* Good value for the money
* Offers excellent in-car entertainment for kids (DVD players, videogame adapters, etc.)
* Environmentally friendly
* Gets good gas mileage
* A brand I trust
* Fits my lifestyle
Disagree completely (1) (2) (3) (4) Agree completely (5)
* Cool to drive
* Reliable
* Appealing design
* High quality vehicle
* Offers innovative tech features for me (navigation system, texting, wifi, etc.)
* Fun to drive
* Good handling
* Is popular with your friends
Now please think about Chrysler.  We would like you to rate Chrysler on the following attributes.  Please note that you can agree completely, disagree completely, or use any of the scale points in the middle to indicate how you feel.
Disagree completely (1) (2) (3) (4) Agree completely (5)
* Environmentally friendly
* Cool to drive
* Sets the standard
* Reliable
* High quality vehicle
* Fits my lifestyle
* Safe
* Is popular with your friends
* Good value for the money
* Unique design
Disagree completely (1) (2) (3) (4) Agree completely (5)
* Appealing design
* A brand I trust
* Gets good gas mileage
* Good handling
* Offers innovative tech features for me (navigation system, texting, wifi, etc.)
* Fun to drive
* Offers excellent in-car entertainment for kids (DVD players, videogame adapters, etc.)
* Affordable
Now please think about Dodge.  We would like you to rate Dodge on the following attributes.  Please note that you can agree completely, disagree completely, or use any of the scale points in the middle to indicate how you feel.
Disagree completely (1) (2) (3) (4) Agree completely (5)
* Fun to drive
* Cool to drive
* Safe
* Sets the standard
* Gets good gas mileage
* High quality vehicle
* Offers excellent in-car entertainment for kids (DVD players, videogame adapters, etc.)
* Reliable
* Unique design
* Is popular with your friends
Disagree completely (1) (2) (3) (4) Agree completely (5)
* A brand I trust
* Good handling
* Affordable
* Good value for the money
* Offers innovative tech features for me (navigation system, texting, wifi, etc.)
* Environmentally friendly
* Appealing design
* Fits my lifestyle
Now please think about Ford.  We would like you to rate Ford on the following attributes.  Please note that you can agree completely, disagree completely, or use any of the scale points in the middle to indicate how you feel.
Disagree completely (1) (2) (3) (4) Agree completely (5)
* Fits my lifestyle
* Safe
* Is popular with your friends
* Environmentally friendly
* Reliable
* A brand I trust
* Gets good gas mileage
* High quality vehicle
* Good handling
* Good value for the money
Disagree completely (1) (2) (3) (4) Agree completely (5)
* Fun to drive
* Appealing design
* Offers innovative tech features for me (navigation system, texting, wifi, etc.)
* Affordable
* Sets the standard
* Offers excellent in-car entertainment for kids (DVD players, videogame adapters, etc.)
* Cool to drive
* Unique design
Now please think about Honda.  We would like you to rate Honda on the following attributes.  Please note that you can agree completely, disagree completely, or use any of the scale points in the middle to indicate how you feel.
Disagree completely (1) (2) (3) (4) Agree completely (5)
* Fits my lifestyle
* Fun to drive
* Sets the standard
* Is popular with your friends
* Good value for the money
* Good handling
* Unique design
* Environmentally friendly
* Safe
* Affordable
Disagree completely (1) (2) (3) (4) Agree completely (5)
* High quality vehicle
* Offers innovative tech features for me (navigation system, texting, wifi, etc.)
* A brand I trust
* Cool to drive
* Reliable
* Appealing design
* Offers excellent in-car entertainment for kids (DVD players, videogame adapters, etc.)
* Gets good gas mileage
Now please think about Hyundai.  We would like you to rate Hyundai on the following attributes.  Please note that you can agree completely, disagree completely, or use any of the scale points in the middle to indicate how you feel.
Disagree completely (1) (2) (3) (4) Agree completely (5)
* Is popular with your friends
* Affordable
* Unique design
* Offers excellent in-car entertainment for kids (DVD players, videogame adapters, etc.)
* Sets the standard
* Fits my lifestyle
* Good handling
* Environmentally friendly
* Gets good gas mileage
* Appealing design
Disagree completely (1) (2) (3) (4) Agree completely (5)
* A brand I trust
* Reliable
* Good value for the money
* Cool to drive
* Safe
* Offers innovative tech features for me (navigation system, texting, wifi, etc.)
* Fun to drive
* High quality vehicle
Now please think about Tesla.  We would like you to rate Tesla on the following attributes.  Please note that you can agree completely, disagree completely, or use any of the scale points in the middle to indicate how you feel.
Disagree completely (1) (2) (3) (4) Agree completely (5)
* Good handling
* Appealing design
* Offers innovative tech features for me (navigation system, texting, wifi, etc.)
* Cool to drive
* Offers excellent in-car entertainment for kids (DVD players, videogame adapters, etc.)
* Gets good gas mileage
* Reliable
* Sets the standard
* Fun to drive
* Environmentally friendly
Disagree completely (1) (2) (3) (4) Agree completely (5)
* A brand I trust
* Unique design
* Good value for the money
* Affordable
* Is popular with your friends
* Fits my lifestyle
* Safe
* High quality vehicle
Now please think about Toyota.  We would like you to rate Toyota on the following attributes.  Please note that you can agree completely, disagree completely, or use any of the scale points in the middle to indicate how you feel.
Disagree completely (1) (2) (3) (4) Agree completely (5)
* High quality vehicle
* Offers excellent in-car entertainment for kids (DVD players, videogame adapters, etc.)
* Offers innovative tech features for me (navigation system, texting, wifi, etc.)
* Good value for the money
* Fits my lifestyle
* Safe
* Fun to drive
* Reliable
* Is popular with your friends
* Gets good gas mileage
Disagree completely (1) (2) (3) (4) Agree completely (5)
* Cool to drive
* Environmentally friendly
* A brand I trust
* Affordable
* Unique design
* Good handling
* Sets the standard
* Appealing design
Now please think about Volkswagen.  We would like you to rate Volkswagen on the following attributes.  Please note that you can agree completely, disagree completely, or use any of the scale points in the middle to indicate how you feel.
Disagree completely (1) (2) (3) (4) Agree completely (5)
* Offers excellent in-car entertainment for kids (DVD players, videogame adapters, etc.)
* Fits my lifestyle
* Affordable
* Appealing design
* Unique design
* Sets the standard
* Offers innovative tech features for me (navigation system, texting, wifi, etc.)
* Gets good gas mileage
* Fun to drive
* Cool to drive
Disagree completely (1) (2) (3) (4) Agree completely (5)
* High quality vehicle
* Safe
* A brand I trust
* Environmentally friendly
* Is popular with your friends
* Good value for the money
* Good handling
* Reliable
Now please think about the following four minivans: Chrysler Town and Country, Dodge Caravan, Honda Odyssey, Toyota Sienna.  How likely would you be to consider each of these four minivans for your next primary vehicle purchase?
Definitely would not consider (1) (2) (3) (4) Definitely would consider (5)
* Chrysler Town and Country
* Dodge Caravan
* Honda Odyssey
* Toyota Sienna
Now please think about the car/vehicle brands that we asked you about earlier.  How likely would you be to consider each of these car/vehicle brands for your next primary vehicle purchase?
Definitely would not consider (1) (2) (3) (4) Definitely would consider (5)
* Audi
* Cadillac
* Chevrolet
* Chrysler
* Dodge
* Ford
* Honda
* Hyundai
* Tesla
* Toyota
* Volkswagen
* How does your family watch TV shows and movies at home? Please check all that apply.
Regular TV
Cable / Satellite
Amazon Prime

* How would you describe the area in which you live?
* What is the highest level of education you have achieved?
High School
Some college
College graduate
Graduate school
* Which of the following categories best describes your ethnicity?
African American/Black
Pacific Islander
* What is your annual household income?
$50,000 – 75,999
$76,000 – 100,999
$101,000- 125,999
$126,000 – 149,999
* What is your zip code?
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