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New Product
New Product
Based on the description, how interested would you be in buying this new [Product/Service] if priced within your budget?
Not at all interested
Not very interested
Not sure
Somewhat interested
Very interested
What is it that you like most about the [Product/Service]?
What do you like least about the [Product/Service]?
Which of the following best describes your need for this product?
I really need this product because nothing else can solve this problem.
This is a minor improvement over what I currently use.
Looks okay but is about the same as what I'm using now.
My current product would serve me better.
I am not at all interested in this product.
About what would you expect to pay for a new [Product/Service] like the one described? (Nearest dollar)
At what price would this new product begin to look inexpensive or cheap?
FMV + 30%
FMV + 20%
FMV + 10%
FMV + 5%
FMV - 5%
FMV - 10%
FMV - 20%
FMV - 30%
At what price would the product begin to look too expensive? Select one.
FMV + 30%
FMV + 20%
FMV + 10%
FMV + 5%
[Enter estimated FMV]
FMV - 5%
FMV - 10%
FMV - 20%
FMV - 30%
At what price would the product begin to look so expensive that you would never consider buying it?
FMV + 30%
FMV + 20%
FMV + 10%
FMV + 5%
[Enter estimated FMV]
FMV - 5%
FMV - 10%
FMV - 20%
FMV - 30%
Please contact
[email protected]
if you have any questions regarding this survey.