Number of children and Internet Usage
Number of children and Internet Usage
Exit Survey
Amber Grengs and Trissa Nelson are conducting a research project entitled "Internet Usage and Number of Children" as part of a class project at South Dakota State University.
The purpose of the study is to determine if the number of children in a family affects the amount of internet usage in a household.
You as a student are invited to participate in the study by completing the attached survey. We realize that your time is valuable and have attempted to keep the requested information as brief and concise as possible. It will take you approximately 10 minutes of your time. Your participation in this project is voluntary. You may withdraw from the study at any time without consequence.
There are no known risks to you for participating in this study.
There are no direct benefits.
Your responses are strictly confidential. When the data and analysis are presented, you will not be linked to the data by your name, title or any other identifying item.
Please assist us in our research and return the completed survey in the enclosed envelope.
Your consent is implied by the return of the completed questionnaire. Please keep this letter for your information. If you have any questions, now or later, you may contact us at the number below. Thank you very much for your time and assistance. If you have any questions regarding your rights as a research participant in this study, you may contact the SDSU Research Compliance Coordinator at 605-688-6975,
[email protected]
Jacob Jantzer
Scobey Hall 216
[email protected]
This project has been approved by the SDSU Institutional Review Board, Approval No.: 1510001-EXM
I Agree
Including yourself, how many children are in your family?
How many hours a day does your family use Internet?
1-5 hours
5-10 hours
10-15 hours
15+ hours
What category(ies) best describe your race(s)?
Black or African American
What is your sex?
Pass phrase is SOC307