In this survey, you will be asked to answer questions about Northwest Urology Clinic. It will take approximately 15 minutes to complete the questionnaire.
Your participation is very important.
Your survey responses will be Strictly Confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential.
Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.
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* Which of the following best describes the department you work in? |
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* Which of the following best describes your position here? |
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* Overall how satisfied are you with your position at this company? |
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| If Dissatisfied, what would help to make this a better place for you to work? | | |
Please indicate your level of agreement with each of the following statements.
* Do you feel that employees are recognized as individuals and valued as employees? |
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* How motivated are you to see the Northwest Urology Clinic succeed? |
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* Administration clearly communicates its goals and strategies to me? |
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* How flexible is Administration with respect to your family responsibilities? |
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* Northwest Urology Clinic provides fair wages. |
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* Would you refer a friend to apply for a job at this company? |
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| * What are the positive aspects of your job? | | |
* Have you ever observed or experienced any of the following forms of discrimination or harassment at this company? |
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* I am kept well informed about company plans and progress. |
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* There are opportunities available to me to express my ideas to upper management. |
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* There is good communication between people in different departments of the company. |
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* Companies policies and procedures have been provided to me and are understood. |
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| * Please list any policies or procedures you are unsure of: | | |
* Do you feel you have been adequately trained on HIPAA rules and regulations? |
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* Do you feel you have been adequately oriented to the clinic's Safety Policies? |
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* The physical working conditions (e.g., ventilation, space, cleanliness) are very good. |
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* Overall, how satisfied are you with the training you received for your present job. |
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* Work assignments are distributed fairly. |
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* The amount of work I am expected to do on my job is reasonable. |
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* I have adequate information available which enables me to do my job well. |
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* I feel my job performance is fairly evaluated. |
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| * What would help you to be more productive in your job? | | |
* There are opportunities for me to cross-train and learn new skills. |
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* Sufficient effort is made to get the opinions and ideas of the employees. |
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* My department knows enough about other departments within our company. |
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* Overall, how satisfied are you with the spirit of teamwork within NW Urology Clinic? |
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* Physicians are generally cooperative and understanding. |
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How would you rate your Administrator in each of the following areas?
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* Planning and Organizing |
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* Directing and Coordinating |
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* Job/Technical Knowledge |
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* Interpersonal relationship / People skills |
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* Promotes Good Work Ethics / Sets Good Example for Others |
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* Overall, I feel the Administrator does a good job. |
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* The Administrator listens to my problems / needs. |
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* If I make a mistake, the Administrator treats it as an opportunity to learn. |
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* I receive recognition from the Administrator when I do a good job. |
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* I receive recognition from Physicians when I do a good job. |
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* My ideas are welcomed by the Administrator. |
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* I understand the day-to-day goals and priorities of my job/department. |
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* My job requirements are clear. |
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* I get what I need to do my job well. |
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* I feel stress in my job. |
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* Is your job stress caused by your relationship with another person you work with? |
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* If your job stress doesn't involve another person, is it caused by the: |
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* I am proud to work for Northwest Urolgy Clinic. |
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| * What suggestions do you have for improvement of Northwest Urology Clinic? | | |
| * Please list any issues not included in this survey that need to be addressed by this organization. | | |
| Please make any open/general comments here: | | |