Part 1: Company Information
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Some of the following questions allow for multiple answers.
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Nature of service provided by your company. |
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Ownership of the company. |
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* Is your company undertaking any overseas project or undertook any overseas projects? |
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Part 2: Companies that have ventured overseas
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Some of the following questions allow for multiple answers.
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What is the BCA registry grade of your company? |
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In which country/countries has/have your company undertaken projects in? |
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What mode of entry/entries has/have your company chosen to enter into the foreign market? |
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What are the reasons for venturing overseas? |
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Please rank the factors below in order of importance, the qualities your company looks for in the country before undertaking the project. (From 1 being the most important to 4 being the least important) |
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stability and transparency of the government |
| | stability of the economy |
| | Building laws and regulations in the country |
| | Cost of labour, materials |
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* Has your company ventured in or is venturing into Myanmar? |
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Part 3: Companies that have ventured into Myanmar
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Some of the following questions allow for multiple answers.
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Which sector/s is/are your company building the infrastructure for? |
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What are the factors that led your company to venture into Myanmar’s construction market? |
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What are the challenges that you faced when undertaking construction projects in Myanmar? |
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What are the solutions to the problems your company faced while undertaking construction projects in Myanmar? |
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What are the areas your company have that provides an edge over local Myanmar Engineering Firms? |
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In your opinion, which sectors in Myanmar have the most potential in development? |
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Do you feel that Singapore agencies like BCA provide sufficient information and facilitation for local companies to venture into Myanmar? |
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Do you think that Myanmar is a favorable destination for local Engineering Firms to venture into? |
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Part 4: Companies that have not ventured into Myanmar
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Some of the following questions allow for multiple answers.
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What is the BCA registry grade of your company? |
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Do you think that Myanmar is a favorable destination for local engineering firms to venture into? |
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What are the factors that led your company to have reservations in venturing into Myanmar? |
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What factors will encourage your company to venture into Myanmar? |
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Do you feel that Singapore agencies like BCA provide sufficient information and facilitation for local companies to venture into Myanmar? |
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