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Own Your Future - 01/2016 - POST RESPONSES - FINAL

Own Your Future Forum
Insights Into Career Development with the HMD Leadership Team
Thank you for joining our HMD Leadership Team on Tuesday, January 12, 2016 - we hope you enjoyed the discussion as it relates to Owning Your Future!

Please take a moment to answer the questions below (by Wednesday, January 20, 2016) so we can better plan future events from the Millennials Employee Resource Group.
Was the MERG event topic and discussion relevant to you?
Was the duration of the forum sufficient?
Too Long
Too Short
Just Right
What was your favorite part of the forum?
What can we do to improve for the next MERG event?
Would you be interested in attending future MERG events similar to this?
What other topics or speakers would you like to see in future MERG events?
Please provide any additional feedback