1. The amount of work I am expected to do on my job is reasonable. |
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2. I am satisfied with the priorities and direction of my work group. |
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3. I have enough information to do my job well. |
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4. We operate in a cost-efficient way in my work group.
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5. I understand the day-to-day goals of my work group. |
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6. My work group has a climate in whic diverse perspectives are valued. |
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7. Considering everything, how satisfied are you with your job? |
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8. Target's policies and procedures make sense to me.
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9. The physical working conditions(e.g., ventilation, space, cleanliness) are very good. |
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10. Individual differences are respected here(e.g., gender,race, educational background, etc.)
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How has the Mesaba holdings acquisition of Big Sky Airlines effected your morale toward the company? |
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How has the Mesaba Airlines scope clause limiting Big Sky Airlines to 19 seat aircraft effected your morale towards the company? |
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