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Good Morning / Afternoon / Evening. My name is
and I’m calling from Cardas Research & Consulting Sdn Bhd on behalf of DiGi Telecommunications. Our record shows that you have terminated your DiGi Postpaid line. We appreciate if you could spare us 10 - 15 minutes of your time as we would like to understand your reason(s) of terminating your DiGi Postpaid line. Thank you.
NOTE : In the event respondent makes enquiries related to DiGi products & services;
Please contact DiGi Customer Service Helpline at 016 2211 800 regarding any enquiries related to DiGi products & services.
I Agree
P1: Telephone No
P2: Listing ID
P3: Plan Group
Plan Name
P4: DB Month
-- Select --
April 2017
May 2017
June 2017
P6: Respondent Name
P7: Interviewer Name
S1. May I reconfirm that the mobile number you have ported out from Digi is ${Q2} ?
Yes, I have ported out this mobile number from Digi Postpaid
No, I still using this mobile number with Digi
No, this mobile number is not my number
S2. May I know who decide to choose the new operator? Who pay for this plan/package?
My company/family/friends decide to choose and pay
I decide to choose and pay
I decide to choose but phone bill paid by family member
I decide to choose but phone bill paid by company
Others (Specify)
S3. May I re-confirm you are a Malaysian?
Malaysian / Warganegara
Non-Malaysian / Bukan warganegara (Specify nationality)
S4. May I reconfirm that the Previous DiGi Postpaid Plan is ${Q11}.
(SA) (Check Quota)
Q1. What was the MAIN REASON you terminated this DiGi Postpaid line?
“What are the examples”
(1)A. Poor Network
(31)B. Unattractive Plan
(81)C. Usage Issue
(87)D. Personal Reason
(95)E. Billing Issues/ Dispute
(103)F. Poor Customer Service
(110)G. Authorised Outlet / Centre/ Dealer
(114)I. Roaming Issue
(116)J. Contract Issue
(118)K. Others (Specify)
Roaming Issue
Contract Issue
Poor Network
(2) Voice - No / poor coverage / signal/ line inside building
(3) Voice - No / poor coverage / signal/ line outside building
(4) Voice - Problem of calling out & receiving calls
(5) Voice - Not able to hear clearly / noisy
(6) Voice - Intermittent voice issue
(7) Voice - Only received missed call SMS alerts/notification
(8) Voice - Drop call
(9) Voice - Unable / Slow in received/sent SMS
(10) Voice - Other (Specify)
(11) Data - Only 'E' signal inside building
(12) Data - Only 'E' signal outside building
(13) Data - No/Poor/Only 3G service inside building
(14) Data - No/Poor/Only 3G service outside building
(15) Data - No/Poor/Only H/ H+ service inside building
(16) Data - No/Poor/Only H/ H+ service outside building
(17) Data - No/Poor 4G LTE service inside building
(18) Data - No/Poor 4G LTE service outside building
(19) Data - Slow internet speed inside building
(20) Data - Slow internet speed outside building
(21) Data - Unable to access internet inside building even though has internet signal
(22) Data - Unable to access internet outside building even though has internet signal
(23) Data - Frequent disconnection inside building
(24) Data - Frequent disconnection outside building
(25) Data - No internet connection/ coverage/ service/ signal inside building
(26) Data - No internet connection/ coverage/ service/ signal outside building
(27) Data - Inconsistent internet speed/ signal
(28) Data - Slow in/Unable received/sent social messaging/ download picture (WhatsApp, WeChat)
(29) Data - Buffering/ Long loading time (e.g. Youtube, wed page, e-newspaper)
(30) Data - Other (Specify)