This survey is part of the university’s efforts to ensure that it provides a post-doctoral fellow the research experience of the highest quality.
We greatly appreciate your co-operation through participation in this survey. The survey’s aim is to gather information about the experience of post-doctoral fellows, which information will be used to improve services to current and future post-doctoral fellows. The confidentiality of your response is assured as you will not be identified in any reporting of the results of the survey.
1 INDICATES THAT YOU STRONGLY DISAGREE 2 DISAGREE 3 NEUTRAL 4 AGREE 5 STRONGLY AGREE Thank you very much for your time and support. |
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A. Category: Quality of training and mentoring A1. My principal investigator (PI) takes time to discuss the science behind the experiments and other work I do. |
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A2.I have learned much from my PI about how to succeed as a scientist/researcher.
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A3. My colleagues help me to learn to use equipment and to perform techniques that are new to me. |
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A4. My institution provides helpful training in grant writing. |
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B. Category: Career development opportunities
B1. My PI discusses my career outlook and avilable options and opportunities. |
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B2. The department/discipline/institution provides seminars and conferences that assists me to obtain information about career opportunities. |
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B3. My institution's reputation will aid in pursuing my career outside my institution. |
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B4. My institution has an effective postdoctoral office. |
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C. Category: Quality of communication
C1. My PI communicates expectations and provides feedback clearly. |
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C2. My PI makes time available to discuss issues that arise in my research. |
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C3.My institition has adequate and clear procedures for resolving disputes with colleagues and supervisors. |
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C4. My laboratory colleagues are supportive and helpful. |
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C5. The bureaucracy at my institution is transparent and easy to navigate. |
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D. Category: Networking opportunities
D1. My PI encourages me to attend symposia and conferences, and makes funding available to defray expenses. |
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D2. My PI provides me with names of colleagues that may be able to assist in my research. |
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D3. I have opportunities to interact with high-quality researchers from other departments/ disciplines. |
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E. Category: Value of post-doc experience
E1. The training and experience I recieve as a post-doc will be valuable in my future career. |
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