Questions marked with a * are required Exit Survey
Please rate your satisfaction on each of the aspects of prep year program life
Very Dissatisfied Not Satisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
General Education and Core Curriculum Courses
Your overall academic experience
Classroom Facilities
Computer Facilities/Labs
Library Resources
Lab Facilities and Equipment
Technology Resources
Academic Advising
Student Housing (ex: resident halls)
Admission and Registration
Student and Health Services
Student Health Services
Student Psychological Services
New Student Orientation
Do you have any comments or suggestions regarding the aspects/services mentioned in Q9?
Please rate how often you did the following in the Preparatory Year Program
Frequently Occasionally Never
* Ask questions in class
* Revise your paper to improve your writing
* Evaluate the reliability or validity of information you received
* Look up scientific research articles and/or academic journals
* Explore topics on your own, even if not required for class
* Accept mistakes as part of the learning process
* Seek feedback on your academic work
* Integrate skills and knowledge from different sources and experiences
* Seek alternative solutions to a problem
* What Track are you currently enrolled in?
* Nationality
* Gender
Salam Alaikum.

You are invited to participate in our Preparatory Year Survey. In this survey people will be asked questions about their experience at University of Dammam. It will take approximately [Approximate Time] minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. However, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point. It is very important for us to learn your opinions.

Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Melissa Lynn Doty by email at [email protected]

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.
Student ID
Email Address