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Introductory Questions
1. I primarily work...
In the CBD - Melbourne
At another DPI location
Other (home etc)
2. On average how often do you use primarysource to find information?
This means actually using primarysource, not just having the homepage open.
At least once every hour
More than once daily
3. What do you mainly use primarysource for? (Pick the top 3)
Employee/HR information
Division News
DPI News
Social events
Research to support work
People Connect
External Links
Learning and Development
Location specific information
I don’t use primarysource

Using primarysource
4. How do you find primarysource to navigate?
Very easy to navigate
Easy to navigate
Difficult to navigate
Very difficult to navigate
I don’t use primarysource
5. How do you usually find the information that you are looking for on primarysource?
A direct link from another webpage or an email
I generally know where to find information
Keyword searches
I navigate by following link trails from the home page
I make wild guesses
6. Which of the following statements most accurately reflects your use of primarysource?
I rarely use primarysource because it doesn’t contain information relevant to me. I would use it more if it was more relevant
I rarely use primarysource because any information I need I can get from other sources. I’m not interested in using it more
I use primarysource on occasion, but find it rarely has the information I'm looking for or it is too hard to find
I use primarysource for browsing, but rarely need it to find specific information
I use primarysource because it’s a quick way to find work related information I need
primarysource Content
7. When I search for information on primarysource:
I always find what I am looking for
I usually find what I am looking for
I sometimes find what I am looking for
I rarely find what I am looking for
I never find what I am looking for
8. Which of the following would you use to describe the content on primarysource? (Tick the most accurate option from each line)
Relevant to my work
Irrelevant to my work
Easy to understand
Difficult to understand
Human Resources/Employee Information (People & Culture)
9. Is primarysource your first point of contact for finding Employee (HR) information? (Including Policies, Procedures and Templates)
10. Which of the following statements do you think is most accurate?
The Employee (HR) information I need is not on primarysource, or it is too hard to find
The Employee (HR) information I need may be on primarysource, but I don’t use it
The Employee (HR) information I need is on primarysource, but I prefer to contact my People and Culture representative directly
The Employee (HR) information I need is on primarysource, but I find it out of date
The Employee (HR) information I need is on primarysource and I use it
Improving primarysource
11. What information does primarysource contain that assists you in performing your work duties?
I don’t use the information on primarysource to assist me in performing my work duties.
Helpful information (eg: locating staff contact details; finding position specific information; departmental initiates)

12. What would you like to see more of on primarysource?
(Tick all that apply)
The ability to provide real-time online feedback to DPI News articles that appear on the homepage.
DPI News articles changing daily, instead of weekly
The ability to customise my primarysource homepage
Direct links to the intranets of other VPS departments
News (department, VPS, Victorian, Australian etc)
Social news such as footy tipping results, social club activities etc.
Location or region-specific pages
Direct links to divisional newsletters from the homepage
Internal and external learning and development opportunities
Collaboration opportunities within DPI or VPS
Employee/HR information
Other (please specify)

13. If you have any additional comments regarding primarysource please provide them below.
Centre Leader Questions
14a. Would you like to see more information on primarysource relevant to your office/work location? (For example, site maps and photos, personnel list, a location specific social page, local weather and news)
14b. If you answered Yes to the above question does your office have the resources available to be able to maintain/update the location specific information if it were developed for you?
15. If primarysource contained a page dedicated to your work location would you access the site more regularly?
16. What changes to the primarysource intranet would make you more likely to use it and would help you in your Centre Leader role?
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