Project 8 Survey
Project 8 Survey
Exit Survey
Dear Students:
I/We Jessie Rounsley and Brittany Ammann are conducting a research project entitled "Observing Residents within a town/city who are involved within their community" as part of the South Dakota State University. The purpose of the study is to observe the ways that race and gender affect residents within a town/city who are involved within their community.
You are invited to participate in the study. We realize that your time is valuable and have attempted to keep the requested information as brief and concise as possible. It will take you approximately 2 minutes of your time. Your participation in this project is voluntary. You may withdraw from the study at any time without consequence.
There are no known risks to you for participating in this study.
Your responses are strictly confidential. When the data and analysis are presented, you will not be linked to the data by your name, title or any other identifying item.
Please assist us in our research and return the completed survey in the enclosed envelope.
Your consent is implied by the return of the completed questionnaire. Please keep this letter for your information. If you have any questions, now or later, you may contact us at the number below. Thank you very much for your time and assistance. If you have any questions regarding your rights as a research participant in this study, you may contact the SDSU Research Compliance Coordinator at 605-688-6975,
[email protected]
Project Director Jacob Jantzer
Address Scobey 216
E-mail Address
[email protected]
Phone No. 605-688-4132
I Agree
What category(ies) best describe your race(s)?
American Indian
Black or African American
Asian or Pacific Islander
What is your sex?
Which of the following best describes where your residence is in relation to the city or town in which you live?
Within the city or town limits
Outside of the city or town limits
Please check the type(s) of community organizations to which you belong, or in which you are active:
Select All the Apply
School based (PTA, boosters, etc.)
Local government boards & agencies (school board, planning commission, etc.)
Civic organizations (Rotary, Lions, Business and Professional Women, etc.)
Business organizations (Chamber, Downtown Retail Association, etc.)
Veteran's organizations
Faith-based organizations
Advocacy groups (Sierra Club, National Rifle Association, etc.)
Tribal organizations
Fraternal organizations
Political organizations
Labor organizations
Youth related organizations (4H, Scouts, etc.)
Private clubs (Country clubs, Homeowners Associations)
Informal clubs (Bridge, Quilting, Motorcycle, Book Clubs)
How well do each of the following statements represent how you feel about this community?
Not at All
1. I get important needs of mine met because I am part of this community.
2. Community members and I value the same things.
3. This community has been successful in getting the needs of its members met.
4. Being a member of this community makes me feel good.
5. When I have a problem, I can talk about it with members of this community.
6. People in this community have similar needs, priorities, and goals.
7. I can trust people in this community.
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