Overall, how satisfied are you with communications in your organization (PSO)? |
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Which best describes your impression of communications within your organization (PSO)? |
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How do you feel about the information you receive? |
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Compared with a year ago, how would you rate your knowledge of the organization (PSO), its strategies, and its ongoing accomplishments? |
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| What is the best thing about communications in PSO? | | |
| What other topics do you feel are important for you to know more about and would like Sheridan to include in future communications? | | |
From which of the following sources do you now receive most of your information about what is going on in PSO and NCAP? Rank your top three information sources only. |
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The grapevine |
| | Organization's Director (Sheridan) |
| | My supervisor |
| | Group meetings at our work location |
| | Local company publications |
| | Company intranet |
| | Company e-mail |
| |
From which of the following sources would you prefer to receive most of your information about what is going on in the organization? |
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How would you rate your manager's communication skills? |
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| Do you have any suggestions for the company to help improve performance and efficiency? | | |
The amount of work I am expected to do on my job is reasonable. |
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I understand the day-to-day goals of PSO and how it firs into NCAP. |
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My department has a climate in which diverse perspectives are valued.
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Individual differences are respected here(e.g., gender, race, educational background, etc.)
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The Parker team building workshops were encouraging (Workshop I - Your Working Style, Workshop II - 12 Characteristics Of An Effective Team Player). |
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Work assignments from Workshop I was appropriate and fun. |
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Sufficient effort is made to get the opinions and ideas of the employees.
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There is good alignment between my department and other with whom I needed to coordinate.
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Overall, how satisfied are you with the spirit of teamwork within PSO.
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Work assignments from Workshop II was appropriate and fun. |
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