Why did you choose to attend ATU? |
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Are you satisfied with the education you are receiving at ATU? |
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Is the cost of tuition a deciding factor when you chose your college? |
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How aware are you about the tuition cost of ATU compared with other schools on a scale of 1-5? (1 being least aware and 5 being most aware) |
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Do you think attending ATU was a good choice financially? |
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Do you feel that the quality of the facilities at ATU adequately represent the cost of tuition? |
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Would you pay a higher tuition at another school after attending ATU? |
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How concerned are you about your current financial status on a scale from 1-5? (1 being the least concerned and 5 being the most concerned) |
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How concerned will you be about your financial situation after graduating on a scale of 1-5? (1 being least concerned and 5 being most concerned) |
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