I am presently completing the final stage of my MSc in Human Resource Management - the Dissertation! I have decided to do my dissertation on the topic of Pensions and, in particular, I am focusing on the Final Salary (Defined Benefit) Pension Scheme.
I know that you are all busy but I would be very grateful if you could assist me in this research by completing a simple questionnaire which is attached. The information you give will kept completely confidential and will be deleted as soon as I have completed this dissertation.
If possible I would like the completed questionniare back by 4th April 2005.
I thank you in advance for your help in this matter, it is greatly appreciated.
Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.
Best wishes,
Joyce Turner |
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(Q1) What is the size of your company?
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(Q2) Which industry sector are you in?
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(Q3) Do you currently offer a pension arrangements to your employees?
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(Q4) If the answer is No to question 3, have you ever offered a pension arrangement to your employees?
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(Q5) If you currently offer a pension arrangement, have you ever offered a different pension arrangement, and if so what was this arrangement?
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(Q6) If the answer is Yes to question 3, what type of pension arrangement(s) do you offer? You may wish to tick more than one.
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(Q6a) Do you make employer contributions to the scheme, and if so how much?
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(Q7) If the answer is Yes to question 4, what type of pension arrangement(s) did you offer?
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(Q8) What are the main reasons for choosing your pension type?
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The next set of questions are for Final Salary Schemes, please go to question 14 if you do not or never have had a Final Salary Defined Benefit Scheme in place for your employees.
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(Q9) If you offer a Final Salary Pension, how long has the scheme been in place?
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(Q10) If you offered a Final Salary Scheme in the past did you close the scheme to
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(Q11) How long ago is it since you closed the scheme?
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(Q12) Why did you close the scheme? (You may choose more than one)
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(Q13) Would you ever consider offering a Final Salary Scheme again?
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(Q13a) What are the main reasons for your answer to question 13
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(Q14)Do you believe that you market your pension provision well within your company?
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(Q15) How do you market your scheme?
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