What is your primary language ? |
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In general, how comfortable do you feel using computers ? |
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How satisfied are you with your current computer skills for using the Internet ? |
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Have you received training in how to use the Internet ? |
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| Please express any areas of computing or internet skills that you would like further training in : | | |
How many hours per week do you use the internet (including e-mail, chat rooms, discussion lists etc) ? |
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How long have you been using the Internet (including e-mail, chat rooms, discussion lists etc) ? |
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How often do you access the Internet from the following locations ? |
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| If you use Other locations, please specify where that is : | | |
Which Web Browser do you use for accessing the Internet ? |
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What is your modem access speed to the Internet ? |
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Please tell us if you do any of the following activities when you go online ? (Check all that apply) |
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In relation to using the internet for Religious purposes, please tell us if you do any of the following activities when online ? (Check all that apply) |
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Which of the following groups have you become more connected with through the Internet ? (Please check all that apply)
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How often do you use the Loreto website (www.loreto.ie) to find information related to your religious life ? |
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Following on from the previous question, Do you find the information you require on the Loreto website ? |
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From what you have seen on the Loreto website and your experience of using other websites related to religion and religious orders, please rate the following features of the Loreto web pages : |
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From using the Loreto website, what do you find to be the biggest challenge with using the site ? |
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Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to use the following features "if" they were available on the Loreto website : |
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Do you feel the Loreto website needs to be available in other languages ? |
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| If you selected "Yes", please indicate what language(s) you think it should be available in : | | |
This sensitive question can help the developers of the Loreto website to better understand the needs of its users - it is not intended to offend. Do you suffer from any of the following disabilities ? (Check all that apply) |
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| What suggestions, recommendations or additional features would you like incorporated into the Loreto website to improve it ? | | |
Please indicate your opinion on the following statements :
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| Please indicate any religious websites other than Loreto that you frequently use, giving a reason for your answer: | | |
Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with the following statements : |
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Do you believe that websites run by religious orders that also offer products or services for sale are unethical and contradict with the values of religious life ? Give a reason for your answer in the box below : |
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