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Siebel 4.0-2 Change Management Questionnaire - COP
Siebel 4.0-2 Change Management Questionnaire - COP
You are invited to participate in the survey [problem management]. In this survey, approximately [25] people will be asked to complete a survey that asks questions about [General problem management process]. It will take approximately [10] minutes to complete the questionnaire.
Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. It is very important for me to learn your opinions.
Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact [Dikshit Abrol] at [09219596844].
Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the
button below.
1. What is your Job Title? (please select as applicable)
Mid-Market Engagement
Partner Engagement
Regional Business Manager
Partner Programs
Partner Incubation
Express Campaigns
Other (please specify)
2. How long have you been working at Microsoft UK?
3 - 5 Months
6 - 11 Months
12 + Months
3. What is your current job status?
Full Time Employee (FTE)
Contractor (i-)
Vendor (v-)
Other (please specify)
4. Are you familiar with the term of Change Management in how it relates change affecting people?
If the answer is "No" please click the help icon
5. Which of these statements best applies to how change is managed at Microsoft UK?
MSUK exists in a state of rapid and continuous change
MSUK evolves through long periods of stability with short bursts of fundamental change
Departments within MSUK deal with change incrementally and separately
MSUK is constantly undergoing small changes
Other (please specify)
6. Please select how applicable each of these statements are in describing the management of change affecting your job role?
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Prefer not to say
The process of implementation for the change is flexible and reactive
Change projects create resistance which has to be broken
The project lead for the change is known and project champions aid the planning and implementation
There are logical reasons for change which are visible and the goals are transparent
There are long periods of planning before the change is delivered
There are delays in the timescales that are set in the change project
Conflicts within the change are looked for and try to be solved
Project teams have sometimes a lack of consequence and consistency in regards to the change
Involvement in the change project before delivery takes place
Communications about the change are timely and relevant
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Prefer not to say
Communication about the change is limited to only those directly concerned with the project
Training is inadequate leaving unanswered questions about the change
Good ideas for change are hidden and used for personal agendas
Those concerned with the outcome of the change project take part in planning
The implementation of the change within your role is managed solely by MSUK
Change is expected without being linked to incentives
9. Please rank these requirements about change in order of importance to you, from 1 to 9.
(1 = most important; 9 = least important)
Feeling that everyone is focused on the same goals and objectives
-- Select --
Recognise the project is being implemented by people with the necessary core skills in a clearly defined and tracked manner
-- Select --
Understanding why change is happening and why it is necessary
-- Select --
Appreciation of how the change will take place and be effectively communicated
-- Select --
Being able to take ownership and influence details of the change
-- Select --
Conscious that key individuals are involved in the project
-- Select --
Awareness of who is ultimately responsible for the project
-- Select --
Knowing the project recognises organisation wide dependencies and gives caution to people, process and infrastructure
-- Select --
Having assistance from the project owners, project infrastructure, training specialist to create a supportive environment
-- Select --
Thank you very much for your support, it is greatly appreciated
Please contact Mark Hambling at
[email protected]
[email protected]
if you have any questions regarding this survey.