Welcome to our survey. We appreciate your input and opinions. All individual responses will be held in strictest confidence; only aggregate results will be released. Thanks again for your help.
Please maximize your screen for the best view of the survey; also, some scrolling will be necessary within portions of the survey. |
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* 1. Which city is closest to your home? |
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3. How many times during the past 6 months have you visited each of the following shopping locations?
* 4. When was your most recent visit to First Colony Mall? |
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* 5. When was your most recent visit to First Colony Mall? |
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* 6. When was your most recent visit to Market at Town Center? |
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* 7. When was your most recent visit to Market at Town Center? |
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* 8. When was your most recent visit to Sugar Land Town Square? |
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* 9. When was your most recent visit to Sugar Land Town Square? |
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* 10. In your opinion, which one of these centers stands out from the rest as being unique in terms of its atmosphere, design and overall attractiveness? |
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* 11. Given your tastes, store and restaurant preferences, and budget, which one of these centers best fits the way you like to dine out and shop for fashion? |
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* 12. How long does it usually take you to travel to this group of shopping centers - First Colony Mall/Sugar Land Town Square/Market at Town Center - from your home? |
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* 13. Which of the following reasons best describe why you have not shopped at Sugar Land Town Square in the past year or not at all? [Multiple answers OK] |
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Please specify your answer: |
* 14. Which if any of these reasons might keep you from shopping more often at First Colony Mall? You may select more than one answer. |
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| 15. Is there anything else that keeps you from shopping at First Colony Mall, or shopping there more often? | | |
* 16. Which if any of these reasons might keep you from shopping more often at Sugar Land Town Square? You may select more than one answer. |
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| 17. Is there anything else that keeps you from shopping at Sugar Land Town Square, or shopping there more often? | | |
* 18. Which if any of these changes at First Colony Mall would most likely influence you to shop there more often? Please select all that apply. |
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| 19. Is there anything else that would cause you to shop more often at First Colony Mall? | | |
* 20. Which if any of these changes at Sugar Land Town Square would most likely influence you to shop there more often? Please select all that apply. |
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| 21. Is there anything else that would cause you to shop more often at Sugar Land Town Square? | | |
* 22. How important to you are brand names in the apparel, shoes and accessories you choose to buy? |
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* 23. Which one of the following best describes your personal attitude toward fashion and the way you dress? |
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* 24. Approximately how much did you spend in the past 12 months on yourself for apparel, shoes and accessories? |
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* 25. How much did you spend on your most recently purchased pair of jeans? |
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* 26. Based on the following responses, how many times would you say you dine out at ANY restaurants in general? |
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* 27. Approximately how much do you spend per month on dining out, including alcoholic beverages? |
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* 28. Which, if any, of the following clothing stores would likely cause you to shop more often at Sugar Land Town Square? You may give more than one answer. |
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* 29. Which, if any, of the following accessories/jewelry/shoes stores would likely cause you to shop more often at Sugar Land Town Square? You may give more than one answer. |
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* 30. Which, if any, of the following specialty stores would likely cause you to shop more often at Sugar Land Town Square? You may give more than one answer. |
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| 31. Are there any other specific stores or types of stores that you would like to see better represented at Sugar Land Town Square? | | |
* 32. Which, if any, of these restaurants would likely cause you to dine more often at Sugar Land Town Square? You may select more than one answer. |
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33. Please indicate what means you currently use to receive sale information and/or sales coupons for apparel.
| 34. Your candid feedback is extremely important to us, so is there anything else you would like to tell us about Sugar Land Town Square? | | |
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* 35. Which category best reflects your employment status? |
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* 36. Which of these categories best describes the highest level of education you have completed? |
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* 37. How many children under age 18 live in your household? |
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* 38. Which of these categories best describes yourself? |
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* 39. Which of these categories best describes your age? |
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* 40. Which of these categories best describes your total household income before taxes? (remember, all of your answers are held in strictest confidence.) |
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* 41. What is your gender? |
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