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Sport Marketing
Sport Marketing
How many years have you worked in the sports marketing industry? (tick one only)
0 -3 years
3 - 5 years
5 - 10 years
10+ years
What best describes your highest level of education? (tick one only)
Some secondary
Completed secondary schooling
TAFE (certificate/diploma)
Other college (certificate/diploma)
University (Undergraduate)
University (Postgraduate)
Rank the following in terms of how important you think they are in achieving your marketing department’s objectives? (1 is the most important, 2 next importance down to 6 least importance)
Marketing & Action Plan for one year
-- Select --
Marketing & Strategy Plan for the next 3 years
-- Select --
Market research
-- Select --
Understanding your target market and knowing who they are and how to reach them
-- Select --
Having a team/sport/athelete that is competitive (making the finals)
-- Select --
Having the resources (human and financial) to implement marketing campaigns
-- Select --
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
For selling season seats and memberships, television advertising is the most effective marketing technique
For selling season seats and memberships, radio advertising is the most effective marketing technique
For selling season seats and memberships, newspaper advertising is the most effective marketing technique
For selling season seats and memberships, direct mail advertising is the most effective marketing technique
For selling season seats and memberships, email advertising is the most effective marketing technique
For selling season seats and memberships, website advertising is the most effective marketing technique
For selling season seats and memberships, partial season packages is the most effective marketing technique
For selling season seats and memberships, telemarketing is the most effective marketing technique
For selling season seats and memberships, word of mouth is the most effective marketing technique
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
For selling sponsorships, television advertising is the most effective marketing technique
For selling sponsorships, radio advertising is the most effective marketing technique
For selling sponsorships, newspaper advertising is the most effective marketing technique
For selling sponsorships, direct mail advertising is the most effective marketing technique
For selling sponsorships, email advertising is the most effective marketing technique
For selling sponsorships, website advertising is the most effective marketing technique
For selling sponsorships, part season sponsorship packages is the most effective marketing technique
For selling sponsorships, telemarketing is the most effective marketing technique
For selling sponsorships, word of mouth is the most effective marketing technique
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
For selling merchandise, television advertising is the most effective marketing technique
For selling merchandise, radio advertising is the most effective marketing technique
For selling merchandise, newspaper advertising is the most effective marketing technique
For selling merchandise, direct mail advertising is the most effective marketing technique
For selling merchandise, email advertising is the most effective marketing technique
For selling merchandise, website advertising is the most effective marketing technique
For selling merchandise, special offer advertising is the most effective marketing technique
For selling merchandise, telemarketing is the most effective marketing technique
For selling merchandise, word of mouth is the most effective marketing technique
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
For selling home game or event tickets, television advertising is the most effective marketing technique
For selling home game or event tickets, radio advertising is the most effective marketing technique
For selling home game or event tickets, newspaper advertising is the most effective marketing technique
For selling home game or event tickets, direct mail advertising is the most effective marketing technique
For selling home game or event tickets, email advertising is the most effective marketing technique
For selling home game or event tickets, website advertising is the most effective marketing technique
For selling home game or event tickets, group specials is the most effective marketing technique
For selling home game or event tickets, telemarketing is the most effective marketing technique
For selling home game or event tickets, word of mouth is the most effective marketing technique
Please contact
[email protected]
if you have any questions regarding this survey.