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Survey of Perspectives of School Planners and Prof

Perspectives of School Planners and Professional Educators Regarding Elementary School Facility Design Standards


You are invited to participate in a research study that is designed to examine the perceptions and attitudes of elementary school facility designers, elementary school teachers, and elementary school administrators regarding three progressively specific sets of school facility design standards. This survey is the only time you will be contacted regarding this study. The survey is a part of a dissertation study entitled: Form Following Function: A Prototype Elementary School Facility Based on Design Standards. Results may be published. A webpage will be maintained with real-time statistical results and charts for your interest and convenience. The link to the site will be provided to you as you submit the completed questionnaire. No personal respondent information will be included in any way related to this site.

This study is being conducted by Chris McMichael, Doctoral student in Educational Leadership at the University of Georgia (770-965-1578) under the guidance of Dr. Kenneth Tanner and in conjunction with The Department of Educational Leadership (310 River's Crossing, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, P: (706) 542-4067, FAX: (706) 542-5873) and the School Design and Planning Laboratory at UGA.

One of the aspects of educational leadership and planning that is highly significant as well as often overlooked is the idea that the physical design and organization of the learning environment can have a profound impact on the success of the students and faculty of a school. The purpose of this study is to examine the perceptions and attitudes of elementary school facility designers, elementary school teachers, and elementary school administrators regarding three progressively specific sets of school facility design standards. These design standards include: six general design principles produced by the US department of Education (1999), 33 broad design principles (Lackney and Tanner, 2003), and 86 elementary K-5 specific design elements (University of Georgia School Design and Planning Laboratory, 2000).

By focusing attention to the learning environment design standards as a vital component of student and teacher success this study can provide benefits to other researchers, designers of educational facilities, district level planners, and school level leaders and teachers in a way that might reach more than just the surface concerns of money, time and materials and increase their understanding of how and why the physical design of an educational facility may be extremely important for the individual learner and teacher in many affective, behavioral, and cognitive areas.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. However, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point. By submitting the completed questionnaire you are providing your legal consent to the researcher to use your responses for the stated purpose.

The survey should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.

It is very important for us to learn your opinions.

The records of this study will be kept private and entirely confidential. The questionnaire does not ask for personal information such as names, addresses, or telephone numbers. No published report will make it possible to identify a subject. Internet communications are insecure and there is a limit to the confidentiality that can be guaranteed due to the technology itself. However, once the completed survey (or email) is received by the investigator standard confidentiality procedures will be employed. All research records and e-mail addresses will be kept in a secured file. Only the researcher and the research advisor will have access to the original list of e-mail addresses at any time. Research records are obtainable by court order. You may also print out the survey, fill it out by hand, and return it with no return address to: Chris McMichael, 4216 Martin Rd, Flowery Branch, GA 30542.

Contact and Questions:

If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask now or at a later date. Please contact the researcher, Chris McMichael with any questions: Phone: 770-965-1578 [email protected]

- Website:

Additional questions or problems regarding your rights as a research participant should be addressed to Chris A. Joseph, Ph.D., Human Subjects Office, University of Georgia, 612 Boyd Graduate Studies Research Center, Athens, Georgia 30602-7411; Telephone (706) 542-3199; E-Mail Address [email protected].

Thank you for your participation!

Chris McMichael

Doctoral student in Educational Leadership

The University of Georgia

4216 Martin Rd, Flowery Branch, GA 30542

Phone: 770-965-1578

Email: [email protected]

If you wish to participate, please start the survey by clicking on the CONTINUE button below. If you choose not to participate, please email the researcher at [email protected] declining your invitation to participate.


Explanations of potentially unfamiliar terms may be viewed by hovering over or clicking on the Question Mark Icon.

The survey software will show you any required question numbers you may have skipped when you click Continue before allowing you to proceed to the next page. Required questions are marked with an
Please choose the title that best corresponds to your current situation.
* I am currently:
An Elementary School Administrator
A Teacher
A School Facility Planner
A Professional Architect
A Central Office/District Level Administrator
A Professor - University/College
A School System Superintendent

* How many years of experience in your selected field above have you completed?
0 - 5 years
6 - 10 years
11 - 20 years
21 - 30 years
over 30 years
Please choose your highest educational level completed.
* My educational level is:
Associates Degree
Bachelors Degree
Masters Degree
Specialist (6 year)

* What is your current age group?
25 and under
26 - 35
36 - 45
46 - 55
56 - 65
66 - 75
76 and over

* What is your gender?
Please select the appropriate Country or U.S. State.
* I am a resident of:
Please select any of the professional organizations you are currently a member of.
AASA - The American Association of School Administrators
NSBA - National School Boards Association
NBPTS - The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
ASBO - The Association of School Business Officials International
CEFPI - Council for Educational Facility Planners
AASP - American Association of School Administrators
AERA - American Educational Research Association
NAESP - National Association of Elementary School Principals
NASSP -National Association of Secondary School Principals
ASCD - Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
ISEP - International Society for Educational Planning
AIA - The American Institute of Architects
UIA - Union of International Architects
NEA - National Education Association


Please rate the importance of the physical environment on the academic and social success of elementary students.
Highly Important Very Important Neutral Not Very Important Absolutely Unimportant

* Please rate the educational facility in which you currently spend most of your time.
Supportive of the educational process
Somewhat supportive of the educational process
Somewhat non-supportive of the educational process
Not supportive of the educational process
Do not work in an educational facility
Please choose the level that best suits your level of interest.
* My prior interest/involvement in school facilities design and planning has been:
Very High
No Interest/Involvement

Highly Important Very Important Neutral Not Very Important Absolutely Unimportant
* How important is teacher input in the process of designing a school facility?
Please place the following 6 Design principles in rank order of importance for elementary level education facilities planning and design.
Please use each numeral only once. (1=highest, 6=lowest )

Elementary school design principles should:

Provide adequate health, safety, and security
Accomodate the needs of all learners
Serve as community centers
Design flexible and adaptable environments
Make effective use of all available resources
Involve stakeholders in the design process
Please indicate the level of importance of each of the following school design principles in elementary school facilities design and planning.

The planning and design process for elementary schools should:

Highly Important Very Important Neutral Not Very Important Absolutely Unimportant
Maximize collaboration in school planning and design
Incorporate a proactive facility management program
Create smaller schools
Separate children & pedestrians from vehicle traffic and parking areas
Consider home as a template for school
Provide a home base for every learner
Establish a variety of outdoor learning environments
Integrate early childhood education into the school
Design healthy buildings
Encourage administrative leadership by decentralizing administrative spaces
Highly Important Very Important Neutral Not Very Important Absolutely Unimportant
Provide a parent information center
Provide space for sharing instructional resources
Design for appropriate acoustics
Create privacy niches
Regard teachers as professionals and include their ideas/opinions in the process
Maximize natural & full-spectrum lighting
Allow for transitional spaces between indoor & outdoor spaces
Design for safe schools
Plan for learning to take place directly in the community
Weave together virtual (technology) & physical learning spaces
Highly Important Very Important Neutral Not Very Important Absolutely Unimportant
Keep class sizes small
Design for a variety of learning groups & spaces
Provide opportunities for job training
Provide resource rich, well-defined activity pockets
Plan schools as neighborhood-scaled community learning centers
Provide studios to support project-based learning
Establish a forum for the community
Meander circulation while ensuring supervision
Allow for community conference space
Respect contextual compatibility while providing diverse designs
Cluster instructional areas
Provide health care service centers
Design w/ respect for scale & developmental needs
How relevant is each of the following school facility design elements to the overall educational experience of elementary (K-5) level students?

Highly Relevant Very Relevant Neutral Not Very Relevant Absolutely Unimportant
Public Areas -amphitheater classrooms
Public Areas -dining room
Public Areas -auditorium
Public Areas- commons (spaces for casual student meetings)
Public Areas -media center
How relevant is each of the following school facility design elements to the overall educational experience of elementary (K-5) level students?
Highly Relevant Very Relevant Neutral Not Very Relevant Absolutely Unimportant
Movement Patterns -pathways
Movement Patterns -promenade
How relevant is each of the following school facility design elements to the overall educational experience of elementary (K-5) level students?
Highly Relevant Very Relevant Neutral Not Very Relevant Absolutely Unimportant
Instructional Neighborhoods -quiet areas for solitary reflection
Instructional Neighborhoods -computer placement
Instructional Neighborhoods -teacher planning areas
Instructional Neighborhoods -classroom walls that are adequate to display student work
Instructional Neighborhoods -toilets in classrooms
Instructional Neighborhoods -wet areas for science
Instructional Neighborhoods -private spaces for children in small groups
Instructional Neighborhoods -wet areas for art
Instructional Neighborhoods -hearth areas
Instructional Neighborhoods -storage for students and teachers
Highly Relevant Very Relevant Neutral Not Very Relevant Absolutely Unimportant
Instructional Neighborhoods -large group areas
Instructional Neighborhoods -adequate personal distance per student
Instructional Neighborhoods -small group areas
Instructional Neighborhoods -activity pockets
Instructional Neighborhoods -excitement
Instructional Neighborhoods -flex zones
How relevant is each of the following school facility design elements to the overall educational experience of elementary (K-5) level students?
Highly Relevant Very Relevant Neutral Not Very Relevant Absolutely Unimportant
Outside Learning Areas -animal life
Outside Learning Areas -green areas
Outside Learning Areas -soft areas -classrooms
Outside Learning Areas -outdoor spaces
Outside Learning Areas -outdoor rooms
Outside Learning Areas -soft areas –outside places
How relevant is each of the following school facility design elements to the overall educational experience of elementary (K-5) level students?
Highly Relevant Very Relevant Neutral Not Very Relevant Absolutely Unimportant
Location of School -harmony with natural surroundings
Location of School -safety
Location of School -context within surroundings
How relevant is each of the following school facility design elements to the overall educational experience of elementary (K-5) level students?
Highly Relevant Very Relevant Neutral Not Very Relevant Absolutely Unimportant
Architectural Design -workrooms
Architectural Design -hallways- places for display of student work
Architectural Design -reference
Architectural Design -territoriality of place
Architectural Design -paths with goals
Architectural Design -intimacy gradients
Architectural Design -ceiling heights
Architectural Design -administration centralized
Architectural Design -entrance area
How relevant is each of the following school facility design elements to the overall educational experience of elementary (K-5) level students?
Highly Relevant Very Relevant Neutral Not Very Relevant Absolutely Unimportant
Environmental -climate control
Environmental -roof system
Environmental -acoustics
How relevant is each of the following school facility design elements to the overall educational experience of elementary (K-5) level students?
Highly Relevant Very Relevant Neutral Not Very Relevant Absolutely Unimportant
Psychological Impact of Color Schemes -lunchroom
Psychological Impact of Color Schemes -gymnasium
Psychological Impact of Color Schemes -classroom
Psychological Impact of Color Schemes -hallways
Psychological Impact of Color Schemes -visual stimulation
Psychological Impact of Color Schemes -background detail
How relevant is each of the following school facility design elements to the overall educational experience of elementary (K-5) level students?
Highly Relevant Very Relevant Neutral Not Very Relevant Absolutely Unimportant
Physically Challenged Students -access to toilets
Physically Challenged Students -access to gymnasium
Physically Challenged Students -access to living center (teacher center)
Physically Challenged Students -access to drinking fountains
Physically Challenged Students -access to school buildings
Physically Challenged Students -access to lunchroom
Physically Challenged Students -access to hallways
Physically Challenged Students -access to computer stations
Physically Challenged Students -access to classrooms
Physically Challenged Students -access to school grounds
How relevant is each of the following school facility design elements to the overall educational experience of elementary (K-5) level students?
Highly Relevant Very Relevant Neutral Not Very Relevant Absolutely Unimportant
Instructional laboratories -music -performance
Instructional laboratories -music -instruction
Instructional laboratories -art display – student work
Instructional laboratories -technology for students – arrangement
Instructional laboratories -art display -gallery
Instructional laboratories -art -instruction
How relevant is each of the following school facility design elements to the overall educational experience of elementary (K-5) level students?
Highly Relevant Very Relevant Neutral Not Very Relevant Absolutely Unimportant
Building on Student's Scale -light switches
Building on Student's Scale -hand rails
Building on Student's Scale -developmentally appropriate playground equipment
Building on StudentÂ’s Scale -views through doors & windows
Building on Student's Scale -water fountains
Building on Student's Scale -shortened steps
Building on Student's Scale -door handles
How relevant is each of the following school facility design elements to the overall educational experience of elementary (K-5) level students?
Highly Relevant Very Relevant Neutral Not Very Relevant Absolutely Unimportant
Circulation patterns -supervisable percentage
Circulation Patterns -within learning environments
Circulation Patterns -egress
Circulation Patterns -within hallways
Circulation Patterns -classroom accessibility to outdoors.
How relevant is each of the following school facility design elements to the overall educational experience of elementary (K-5) level students?
Highly Relevant Very Relevant Neutral Not Very Relevant Absolutely Unimportant
Historical Archives -media centers –artifacts
Historical Archives -media centers -documents
Historical Archives -media centers –literature
How relevant is each of the following school facility design elements to the overall educational experience of elementary (K-5) level students?
Highly Relevant Very Relevant Neutral Not Very Relevant Absolutely Unimportant
Daylighting and Views -living views
Daylighting and Views -overlooking life
Daylighting and Views -natural light/ full spectrum mix
Daylighting and Views -adequacy of natural light
Daylighting and Views -unrestricted
Are there any other design elements that you feel should be added or addressed?
Please leave any comments or observations regarding this survey or the subject matter below. Thank you!
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