Instructions: This questionnaire concerns your opinions about your team, your coach, and team training. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with each of the 27 statements below.
I consider the current training method that my coach uses to be efficient.
The present training program is stressful to me.
I believe that no matter what my coach says, he or she is right.
I find being harassed, hazed or picked on by older teammates to be highly uncomfortable.
Competition amongst teammates makes me stressed.
Our teammates always get along with each other.
Aside from practice and competition, our team members get together for other activities such as socializing.
I consider it more important for me to perform well than for the team to triumph.
I consider the team interacting well with one another as more important than performance in competition.
I feel more confident and encouraged when my teammates cheer for one another.
I am proud to be part of the team.
I practice hard to make my own performance better.
I practice hard to help the team be successful.
If someone were injured during the game I would take care of them.
It is a serious problem if someone leaves the team
Team chemistry improves when attendance rate increases.
The more team chemistry within a team the better the team performs.
The better a team performs during games, the higher future attendance rates will be.
I find that structured and quality practices lead to better team bonding.
Similar interests between players leads to better cohesiveness within the team.
Our coach treats each member of the team equally.
Our team socializes together outside of practice regularly.
I receive positive support from the older more experienced players.
I am motivated to perform better when fan attendance is high.
Our team has a defined hierarchy of some sort.
The hierarchy of our team helps us practice and perform better.
I do not feel attached to my team or its members.
Please indicate which sport you play |
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Are you on the starting line-up for this team? |
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How long have you been on this team? |
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What is your class standing? |
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