Københavns Delebiler: Survey
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How long have you been a member of the Københavns Delebiler? |
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Would you have bought a car if Københavns Delebiler was not available? |
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How would you rate the ease of booking for the online reservation system? |
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How would you rate the ease of locating the carshare vehicles? |
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From how many locations of key boxes do you commonly reserve vehicles? |
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Would you reserve vehicles at more key box locations if they were easier to find? |
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How often do you reserve a vehicle? |
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Would you reserve more often if the reservation system were easier to use? |
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How often has the car been unavailable or missing when you had a reservation? |
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How interested would you be in an automated phone reservation system? (An automated phone system would be a sysem where someone could call a computer that would talk you through a reservation process.) |
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How important do you feel it is to have a map location of the vehicles available online when you are booking?
(such as one available on www.krak.dk) |
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How important do you feel it is to have directions to the locations of the cars on www.rejseplanen.dk? |
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Which would you prefer more: the current key box system, OR a system with keyless entry to the cars |
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How secure do you feel the current system is with every member having a key for every key box? |
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Would you prefer a system where car access is limited to only the member who has reserved a designated time? |
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Have you ever been in need of emergency maintenance while using a shared car? |
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Do you own your own cellular phone? |
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How would you rate your comfort level if the location of the car was known at all times using a Global Positioning System (GPS) device in the vehicle? (GPS is an electronic device which informs you of your location anywhere in the world) |
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Rate the importance of online bill paying, such as PBS? |
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| If you have any other concerns or issues with booking, car access, and billing please feel free to comment below: | | |