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Københavns Delebiler: Survey
How long have you been a member of the Københavns Delebiler?
Less than 1 month 4 months or less 8 months or less 12 months or less
Would you have bought a car if Københavns Delebiler was not available?
Yes, a new car Yes, an old car No No, I sold my car Don't know
How would you rate the ease of booking for the online reservation system?
Very Easy Easy Moderate Difficult Very Difficult
How would you rate the ease of locating the carshare vehicles?
Very Easy Easy Moderate Difficult Very Difficult
From how many locations of key boxes do you commonly reserve vehicles?
One location Two locations Three locations Four locations More than four locations
Would you reserve vehicles at more key box locations if they were easier to find?
Yes Maybe No No opinion
How often do you reserve a vehicle?
Once a month Twice a month Once a week Twice a week More than twice a week
Would you reserve more often if the reservation system were easier to use?
Yes Maybe No No opinion
How often has the car been unavailable or missing when you had a reservation?
Never Almost never Occasionally Frequently Almost always
How interested would you be in an automated phone reservation system? (An automated phone system would be a sysem where someone could call a computer that would talk you through a reservation process.)
Uninterested Somewhat uninterested No opinion Somewhat interested Interested
How important do you feel it is to have a map location of the vehicles available online when you are booking?

(such as one available on
Very unimportant Unimportant No opinion Important Very important
How important do you feel it is to have directions to the locations of the cars on
Very unimportant Unimportant No opinion Important Very important
Which would you prefer more: the current key box system, OR a system with keyless entry to the cars
Current key box system No opinion Keyless entry
How secure do you feel the current system is with every member having a key for every key box?
Very unsecure Unsecure No opinion Secure Very secure
Would you prefer a system where car access is limited to only the member who has reserved a designated time?
Yes Maybe No No opinion
Have you ever been in need of emergency maintenance while using a shared car?
Yes No
Do you own your own cellular phone?
Yes No
How would you rate your comfort level if the location of the car was known at all times using a Global Positioning System (GPS) device in the vehicle?
(GPS is an electronic device which informs you of your location anywhere in the world)
Uncomfortable Somewhat uncomfortable No opinion Somewhat comfortable Comfortable
Rate the importance of online bill paying, such as PBS?
Unimportant Somewhat unimportant No opinion Somewhat important Important
If you have any other concerns or issues with booking, car access, and billing please feel free to comment below:
Thank you for completing the survey. If you know any personal contacts that might be helpful in the development of new Carshare technology please contact us at [email protected] Thank you again!
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