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telecom billing, corpoates questionnaire
telecom billing, corpoates questionnaire
Q1. What is you main activity of your company?
Fixed telecom operator / service provider
Mobile operator / MVNO / service provider
Internet service provider
Utilities Provider
TV / broadcast / satellite / cable operator
Content originator / broker / provider
Q2. Do you think a robust world class billing system is one of the most critical component of a company’s infrastructure?
Q3.Please select the option applicable to your current billing software.
Bought it
Built it in house
Outsourced only a module of your billing software
Outsourced it completely
Q4. If bought/ outsourced please mention the vendor’s name.
Q5. If you have bought the billing software: Out of the reasons mentioned below, which according to you is the most important advantage of buying billing software and which is the least important? Rate on a scale of 1-100 (100 being most relevant and 1 being least relevant)
---Functionality of a billing software which is bought is high
---Flexibility and advantage in terms of time to market and customer service is more if a billing software is bought
---Cost and stability benefits are more
---More leverage is possible on external supplier than on in-house developer
Q6 If you have built the billing software in house:Out of the reasons mentioned below which according to you is the most important advantage of building billing software and which is the least important?
Rate on a scale of 1-100 (100 being most relevant and 1 being least relevant)
---Developing in house means sharing common goals and priority with the rest of the business
---More flexibility to change specification through out the development cycle
---It is a cheaper option
---It could be compatible with the company’s scalability
Q7. If you have outsourced the billing solution, Out of the below mentioned reasons which according to you is the most important advantage of outsourcing a billing software and which is the least important?
Rate on a scale of 1-100 (100 being most relevant and 1 being least relevant)
--- Lower cost
--- Increased flexibility in terms of adding capacity or assigning personnel as demand goes up or down
--- Faster speed in development
Q8. Following are few of the major reasons of billing software becoming so critical today. Plase rate them on a scale of 1 - 100 ( with 100 being most relevant & 1 being least relevant)
---Billing becoming a strategic tool to customer satisfaction
---Changing technology
---Volatile market trends
---Unstable regulatory environment
---Mayhem arising due to mergers & acquisition
Q9. Mentioned below are a few technical features, which an ideal billing solution should possess.
Rate the following factors on a scale of 1 to 100 (100 being most important and 1 least important) as per their importance according to you.
---Rating Flexibility
---Infinite Scalability
---Multicurrency and language support on the same platform
---Robust Processing
---Highly customizable
---Online security
---Component based architecture with service diagnostics
Q10. Mentioned below are a few commercial features, which an ideal billing solution should possess.
Rate the following factors on a scale of 1 to 100 (100 being most important and 1 least important) as per their importance according to you.
---Maximize ROI
---Fraud monitoring
---Lowest cost of ownership
---Multiple partnership model
---Boosting revenue assurance
---Enable business expansion in terms of rollout of services
---Help in providing standard practices uniformly across all customer touch points
Q11. How many multiple level of services does your billing software support?
Q12. What is the typical architecture that you need in a billing software?
Q13. Do u need a billing system which could bill any entity as per your customer hierarchy?
Q14. Which of the following do you think is the major challenge faced by billing industry today? ( you can click on more than one option)
Billing next generation service.
Billing in 3g environment
Any extra functionality in billing system requires customization & development by billing vendor which consumes time & money
IP based billing
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