Is this the first time you have visited our site? |
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Please tell us about yourself. |
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| What is your age? (Now tell the truth--no one will really know.) | | |
| What is the combined annual income of your household? | | |
What is your modem access speed to the Internet? |
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How often do you visit our site? |
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Why did you visit our site today?
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Thank you for your feedback. |
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Which Web browser do you use? |
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What is your most important consideration when shopping online?
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When you purchase online, you purchase for (check all that apply):
| |
| What are the top two [PRODUCT CATEGORY/ SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP]sites you visit? | | |
Before starting this survey, how familiar were you with the [WEBSITE NAME].com website?
| |
If you had heard of [WEBSITE NAME].com, how did you hear about it? (check all that apply)
| |
How many times did you visit [WEBSITE NAME].com over the last month?
| |
Which of the following items would you be interested in purchasing from [WEBSITE NAME].com? (check all that apply)
| |
How many purchases have you made at [WEBSITE].com over the last year?
| |
How would you describe your experience visiting [WEBSITE].com?
| |
| Do you have any comments or suggestions for [WEBSITE].com? | | |
How often do you visit our site? |
| |
| What is it about this site that would keep you coming back? | | |
| What is it about this site that you would most like to see improved? | | |
| What features would you like added or changes you would like made to this site? | | |
How frequently do you surf the Web? |
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In a typical week, how many hours do you spend online? |
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How did you first hear about this site? |
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How did you find out about the site? |
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From where do you most often access the Internet? |
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What is your level of education? |
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What is your current occupation? |
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| We would like to hear your suggestions on how we can expand or improve our site. What other information or services would you like us to provide you on-line?
Please type your ideas in the box below. | | |
How frequently do you visit (Company) Web site? |
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What prompted your visit today?
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How would you rate yourself as an Internet user? |
| |
In order for us to better judge the quality of the information we present, please take a moment of your time to fill out this simple form. All information you enter will remain confidential. |
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Please rate our Web pages:
Where did you hear about our website? |
| |
What do you regularly use the Web for? (Check all that apply)
| |
Would you recommend [Company's] services to colleagues or contacts within your industry?
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Are you (Check all that apply) |
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Are you (Check all that apply) |
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How did you find about this site? (Please check all that apply.)
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What is your current marital status? |
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Please indicate the highest level of education completed.
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Which of the following best describes the area you live in? |
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Is this the first time you have visited our site? |
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If you have, or plan to purchase goods on the Internet, what kinds of goods would you be most interested in? |
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How did you get to our site? |
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How often do you use the web to find product information? |
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Did you find what you were looking for on our site?
| |
| If you did not find exactly what you wanted, please explain what you were looking for. | | |
| If you have a suggestion or recommendation to improve our site, Please provide it below. | | |
| What recomendations would you offer for improving [PRODUCT]? | | |