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You are invited to participate in our survey [Project Description Here]. In this survey, approximately [Approximate Respondents] people will be asked to complete a survey that asks questions about [General Survey Process]. It will take approximately [Approximate Time] minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. However, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point. It is very important for us to learn your opinions.

Your survey responses will be stricly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact [Name of Survey Researcher] at [Phone Number] or by email at the email address specified below.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

Favorite Drink...
Mountain Dew
A&W Root Beer
Other Comments :

What is your approximate age?
18 - 24
25 - 34
35 - 44
45 - 54
55 - 64
65 and over
Indicate your marital status.
Please indicate your approximate yearly household income before taxes. (Include total income of all adults living in your household.)
Under $25,000
$25,001 - $49,999
$50,000 - $74,999
$75,000 - $99,999
$100,000 -$149,999
$150,000 and over
What was the last grade you completed in school?
Some high school
High school graduate
Some college
College graduate
Please indicate the number of children in your household under the age of 18.
Four or more
Including yourself, how many persons are in your household?
Five or more
What is your current work status?
Work outside home full time
Work outside home part time
Do not work outside home
What is the present occupation of the head of household?
Service worker
Please write in your ZIP Code.
Tell us how often you visit our site.

Once a week
Once in two weeks
Once a month
When you visit the site, are you using the computer from

Home (including a home office)
Equally from the home and office

Please tell us why you visit our site (please check all that apply)?
Looking for general information
Looking for rules/regulations
Looking for forms
Looking for facility information
Looking for regulatory information
Looking for Upgrade Information
Looking for Qualified Professional/Consultant Information
Looking for news (Meetings, Seminars, Calendar, Public Hearings etc)
Looking for Contact Information (Agency and Staff Phone #s, Mailing Address etc)
Research for Work
Research for School
Download files
Professional Development
Looking for update on earlier information

How much effort did you have to take to find our web site?

A lot less than I expected
Less than I expected
About what I expected
More than I expected
A lot more than I expected
From what you have seen and your experience with other sites, please rate the following features of the web page:
Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent Not sure
Visual appearance/layout:
Writing style:
From your experience, what do you find to be the biggest challenge with using our site?

I am new to the Internet
Information I am looking is not available
Information is not well organized
There is just too much information
Hard to navigate through the information
Takes too long to load a page
Downloadable files or forms are in a format I cannot use
Other (please specify)
Did the menu of items on the home page make sense to you?

How did you hear about the Website?

Industry consultants
Media (newspaper, radio, TV)
Followed Link from another web page
Search engine
Other (Please Specify)
We would like to hear your suggestions on how we can expand or improve our site. What additional information or features would you like to see added to the site?
In general, do you feel that gasoline prices are:
much too high
somewhat high
about right
What is the most important reason for purchasing premium grade gasoline?
like the extra power
use to clean my engine
engine requires premium grade
it's just better for my car
my car is older and runs better on premium
When you need to purchase gasoline, do you most often purchase it:
on your way to work
on your way home from work
on your way to go shopping
on your way home from shopping
while you are out doing errands
when making a special trip to the gas station
Think about the gasoline station you go to most often. Is it closer to
your home
your place of work
your favorite shopping area
Again think about the gas station you go to most often. What are some reasons this gas station is your favorite? (Check all that apply)
convenient location
convenient hours of operation
close to work
close to home
close to favorite shopping area
lowest prices
fast payment
fast in and out
happy with brands
have credit card for that brand of gas
like the food mart
friendly service
In an average month, about how much does your total household spend on gasoline?
less than $25
$25 - $50
$50 - $75
$75 - $100
over $100
Do you have a gasoline card?
About what part of the amount you pay for gasoline is spent using
gasoline cards
Other credit card
Other payment
What are the three best features you would expect to get with a gasoline card?
generous grace period
bonus gas to reward frequent purchases
low interest rate
use for several different gasoline companies
easy to get one
end of year rebate
free car washes

Approximately how many times did you shop for electronic products in the past year?
Please indicate the approximate total amount your family spent on electronic product within the last year.
Less than $300
$300 - $499
$500 - $799
$800 - $999
$1,000 - $2,499
More than $2,500
Can't say
During the past year, have you or a member of your family purchased a major home electronic product?
If yes, what item was purchased? (Check all that apply.)
DVD player
Home Computer

How much did you pay for the item(s)?
How many brands or individual models did you examine in the different retail stores?
The item was purchased:
As a gift for someone not in your household.
As a gift for someone in your household.
To be used mostly by other members of your household.
To be used mostly by yourself.
Which of the following have you purchased within the last year? (Check all that apply)
audio/car stereo/radio/cassette
Video game
pick only one answer please
* how often do you and/or your family go to a restaurant for a meal?
every week
every two weeks
at least once a month
less than once a month
choose as many as apply please
* which of the following apply to you?
i have young children and it is hard to find a restaurant with facilities and menus suitable for children
i have young children and it is easy to find restaurants with facilities and menus for children
i am currently in a relationship and enjoy going out with my partner for a romantic meal
i enjoy going out for a meal in a restaurant with a fun atmosphere
i enjoy going out for a meal with a serious atmosphere
if you enjoy other types of restaurant please say

* how far would you be prepared to travel to get to a good restaurant?
5 miles
10 miles
20 miles
50 miles
which social status do you fall into?
recieving education
part time job
full time job
Below is a list of statements. Please indicate how you feel about each statement by indicating your degree of agreement or disagreement with each statement.
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Not sure
Financial security is very important to me.
I'd say I'm rebelling against the way I was brought up.
I believe that "industrial growth" should be limited.
Generally speaking, most people are trustworthy and honest.
Everything is changing too fast today.
In general, it's more important to understand my inner self than to be famous, powerful, or wealthy.
My greatest achievements are ahead of me.
I believe a woman can work outside the home even if she has small children and still be a good mother.
I certainly am more conventional than experimental.
I like to try new and different things.
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Not sure
It's very important to me to feel I am a part of a group.
Overall, I'd say I'm very happy.
TV is my main form of entertainment.
I'm a "spender" rather than a "saver."
I would rather spend a quiet evening at home than go out to a party.
My family is the single most important thing to me.
I think I have more self-confidence than most people.
I like to think I'm a bit of a swinger.
A woman's life is fulfilled only if she can provide a happy home for her family.
My social status is an important part of my life.
I act on my hunches.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Not sure
I generally rent movies.
I usually enjoy rated R films more than I enjoy PG 13, PG, or G movies.
Students/kids viewing too many murders and crimes in movies has increased the number of crimes amongst youth.
Movies without violence are less appealing to me.
Profanity is not needed in films.
Sexual content in movies makes them more entertaining.
Movies are a direct reflection of the values in today�s American Society.
I would be interested in software that gives me the option to control the sexual content, profanity, and violence in DVD movies.
Based upon the premise that the software existed to give me more control and added features for movies on DVD format, I would purchase a DVD player for this purpose.
As a parent, I would like more control over what my children watch in movies. (if not a parent, answer as if you were one)
I generally buy movies.
What is your idea of a good night out?
Visit to the theatre or opera
Romantic dinner for two
Karaoke at the local pub
Drinks and then clubbing
Watching a football game
Which of these would be your ideal holiday?
Activity-based, e.g. skiing
A luxury hotel in New York
Exploring the Far East
Lying on a beach in the sun
A cottage in the country

This is the questionnaire that deals with health care and your involvement in health care. Please take a few minutes to express your opinions about the availability and quality of health care in your community. Your answers are important to the success of this study.

Thank you for your assistance.
Which community (or rural area) do you live?

Is there a wide difference in performance between the available hospitals in this area?
Not sure

Do you have a favorite hospital?

Is there a wide difference in the cost of the different hospitals in this area?
Not sure
How many years have you lived in this community?

How satisfied are you with the skill and competency of the staff?
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Not sure

Does the hospital have equipment for modern diagnosis and treatment?
Not sure

How satisfied are you with the following:
Overall cleanliness of the hospital
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Not sure

Friendliness and courtesy of the staff
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Not sure

Convenience of location for you
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Not sure

Cost to you
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Not sure
What kind of medical insurance coverage do you have?
Employer sponsored
Not sure
How many times have you and any member of your family been to your doctor in the last year?
Which source of care would you prefer if you had a personal injury that could be handled equally well by each of these sources of health care:
I would prefer to go to a walk-in clinic
I would prefer to go to my personal physician
I would prefer to go to the hospital emergency room
If you or a member of your family have received medical care at a hospital that was'nt the hospital in your area, why did you choose the other hospital?
A specialist was available
Special hospital care was required that was not available in the local area
My physician practices there
More familiar with that hospital
Wanted a second opinion from another physician
Religious preference
Cost was too high in the local area

Is your home
a single family house
a two family house
an apartment
a mobile home
Indicate activities/interests which you and/or household members enjoy on a regular basis:
Foreign travel
Gourmet/fine food
Coin/stamp collecting
Fashion clothing
Bible/devotional reading
Physical fitness/exercise
Stereo/records and tapes
Outdoor gardening
Wildlife/environment issues
Recreational vehicles
Health foods/vitamins
Money making opportunities
Video cassette recordings
Book reading
Self improvement
Compact discs
Watching sports on TV
Charities/volunteer work
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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