Hello! I am working with HR and have undertaken a project on understanding the factors influencing employees’ choice to stay and strive for the company. This will help HR design practices that are employee friendly. For this, I have designed a survey that measures some factors affecting performance and stay at Progeon. It will take a maximum of 10 minutes to complete.
Please be assured that this survey is confidential. Your responses will be treated anonymously and with complete confidentiality.
Thanks for your consideration and time! Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.
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* How satisfied are you with the pay pacakage & benefits offered by Progeon: |
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* The amount of work I am expected to do on my job is reasonable. |
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* I am satisfied with the growth prospects in the organization. |
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* I get adequate information and training which enables me to do my job well. |
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* I understand the day-to-day goals I should achieve and how it helps achieve the goal of my team. |
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* I am satisfied with the rewards offered for the efforts put in by me. |
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* How satisfied are you with the guidance from your supervisor? |
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* I have often been involved in activities (inside office & outdoors) to build better team.
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* I am satisfied with the appraisal meetings and the ratings given to me. |
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