Hello: You are invited to participate in our survey [Project Description Here]. In this survey, approximately [Approximate Respondents] people will be asked to complete a survey that asks questions about [General Survey Process]. It will take approximately [Approximate Time] minutes to complete the questionnaire.
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* What is the Minimum Account Size for Passport? |
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* How much are the transaction charges on a Passport account? |
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* For Passport Brokerage the FA must be a Registered Rep (RR) and an Investment Adviser Rep (IAR) |
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Passport Brokerage accounts are considered an advisory account. |
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Passport Partners are advisory and non-discretionary. |
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Passport accounts charge a comission on trades. |
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The transaction charges for place a Bond trade is $30. |
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Class B share mutual funds are considered a billable asset in a Passport account. |
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Class B shares can be held in a Passport account. |
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Class B shares are charged "Admin Only", .09%. |
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The account can hold Class B shares, but they do not qualify as a billable asset. |
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Passport clients are charged a fee for postage and handling on each transaction. |
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Annuities are a billable asset for Passport. |
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What are the two types of fee schedules for Passport? |
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The FA can discount the portion of their fee on a Passport account. |
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Passport account fees are charged on this frequency. |
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Select the three types of Passport accounts. |
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These types of mutual funds are billable in a Passport Account |
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If the client has 2 Passport accounts they can be combined to qualify for the $25 K minimum requirement? |
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Related Passport accounts can be linked together (aggregated)for fee purposes. |
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In addition to reular monthly statments, Passport clients also receive? |
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The maximum fees for Passort using the blended fee schdule are? |
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12B1 Trails are credited to the client. |
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Passport accounts are billed quarterly in advance. |
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A client's account has $25,000 cash, 100 Shares of Starbucks stocks an Annuitiy worth $50,000 and a Class B share mutual fund. Which assets are considered billable? |
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| Additional Comments/Suggestions for improvement | | |