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You are invited to participate in my survey on marital commitment. In this survey, approximately forty people will be asked to complete a survey that asks questions about your view of the marriage commitment. It will take approximately 15 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

The following questions will ask you to choose which of two statements are more like your values about marriage. It is possible to agree or disagree with both statements but please choose the ONE statement that is MOST like your values. There are no "right" or "wrong" answers, just answer the questions based on your ideas about how marriages should be. You don't need to be married to answer these questions--just answer on how you think marriages should be.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. However, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point. It is very important for me to learn your opinions.

Your survey responses will be stricly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Temesha Chatman at (757) 457-4872 or by email at the email address specified below.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

When making career decisions,
my partner and I try to give and take- I get something I want and my partner gets something he or she wants.
my partner and I try to make descisions that are best for our marriage even if neither person gets exactly what he or she individually wants.

If I were forced to choose,
my marriage is LESS important that my personal goals in life.
my marriage is MORE important that my personal goals in life.

Marriage is
is a covenant - overall you give of yourself for the good of the marriage no matter what your spouse does.
a contract- overall you give your fair share and your spouse gives his or her fair share.

Women should give up their career goals for their families.

A spouse's first priority should be
to achieve personal goals through his or her marriage.
to work towards the good of his or her marriage.

It is reasonable for spouses to divorce if their goals in life are no longer compatible.

Spouses are
linked together as a unit.
unique individuals.

Spouses should
have private things for themselves - personally and financially.
share most everything with each other - personally and financially.

It would annoy me to have to sacrifice activities that I enjoy for the sake of my partner.

Commitment means
sticking together for life.
exclusively sticking to someone, but that commitment could end if one person violated the marriage contract.

The key to a healthy marriage is
individual self-esteem.

My priorities are
first to the good of my marriage and second my own good.
first my own good and second the good of my marriage.

Marriage requires
negotiation and compromise.
commitment and sacrifice.

Sacrificing my own needs
would be helpful to my marriage.
would be harmful to my marriage.

Which is more important?
"My spouse and I" (as individuals)
"Us" (as a couple)

Marriage is until
"death do us part."
"love dies."

If I were forced to choose,
my marriage is more important than my well-being.
my well-being is more important than my marriage.

The best way to invest in my marriage is to
invest in myself.
invest in my partner.

Regarding divorce,
"no-fault" divorce should be an option.
broken vows should be the only reason for divorce.

Marriage is
a bond.
a choice.

Marriage represents
two partners working together to meet each person's needs.
"two becoming one."

When it comes to checking accounts,
a joint checking account is a good idea in marriage.
separate checking accounts are a good idea in marriage.

It is most important for communities to support legislation to promote
strong individuals.
strong marriages.

I believe that the main societal problem is that society doesn't
expect marriages to stay together.
provide an environment that meets the pesonal needs of individuals.

If our marriage were in trouble, I would want us to
renew our commitment and forgive.
come to an agreement on new marital behaviors.

If we sought marital counseling, I would want to be encouraged to
come together as a unit.
seek personal growth.
For purposes of aggregating reponses, your demographic data is required. Again, your answers will remain confidential.

Please choose only one answer.
* How old are you?
Under 20
20 - 29
30 - 39
40 - 49
50 - 59
60 - 69
70 or Over
Choose all that apply.
* What is your race?
American Indian/Alaska Native
Black/African American
East Indian (India)
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander

Choose only one.
* What is your gender?
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
This scale and research was designed by Jennifer Ripley, Ph.D., Regent University.
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