The Skills Developed In the 3rd Year IT Project
The Skills Developed In the 3rd Year IT Project
Welcome to The Third Year IT Skills Developement Survey!
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You are invited to participate in a survey to help identify the skills developed during the third year IT project.
In this survey, most of the software development third year students in 2014, 2015, 2016 or before 2014 will be asked to complete a questionnare about the skills they feel they have developed throughout their IT third year project.
Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. However, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point. It is very important for us to learn your opinions.
Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Ilhaam Hendricks at the email address
[email protected]
or her supervisor Prof L Futcher at
[email protected]
Thank you very much for your time and support.
The following questions are based on the skills which are seperated into four catagories: Soft Skills, Business Skills, Technical Skills and Programming Skills.
Please start with the survey now by clicking on the
button below.
Are you currently doing your 3rd year project or in which year have you completed your 3rd year project?
2016 ( Currently)
or prior, Please specify in which year you completed your 3rd year project .
To what extent do you feel you've learnt the following Soft Skills during your third year IT project?
Very Dissatisfied
Not Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Problem Solving skills - logical thinking, working under pressure
Interpersonal Skills - Team work, Conflict Resolution, Leadership
Work Ethic- Self/Time management , Integrity/Honesty/Ethics,Professional Ethics
Language skills- Communication skills, Negotiation Skills
To what extent do you feel you've learnt the following Business Skills during your third year IT project?
Very Dissatisfied
Not Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Communication Skills- Communicating with your Project Client?
Team Work Skills- Interacting with your team members?
Project Management Skills-Managing a project with the given scope and time requirements?
Adaptability- Keeping up with changing working environments?
To what extent do you feel you've learnt the following Technical Skills in your third year IT project?
Very Dissatisfied
Not Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Web Systems Skills- Building a web system
Technology Skills-Using different Technological tools
Database Skills-Building a Database
Information Security Skills- Information Assurance and Security
Human Interaction Skills-Developing Human Interaction Interfaces
Big Data Skills- Managing Big Data
How well do you feel you've learnt the following Programming Skills in your third year IT project in terms of coding languages?
1 Star = Rating of 1- Require Assistance
2 Stars = Rating of 2- Not Well
3 Stars = Rating of 3- Well
4 Stars = Rating of 4- Very Well
5 Stars = Rating of 5- Extremely Well
SQL and SQL Server
Mobile Technologies such as Android or Apple
The following questions are based on the NMMU moodle site.
To what level do you feel that the moodle tool has helped you in your third year project in terms of the following:
Not Helpful
Extremely Helpful
Communication between you and your project lecturer
Helping you manage your deliverable deadlines
Providing you with instructions on how to complete your deliverables
Success of your third year project
How satisfied are you with the skills developed during your third year IT project?
Extremely Unsatisfied
Extremely Satisfied